Monday, May 31, 2010

A Memorable Memorial Day

It was a typical Memorial Day as far as the weather goes ..... you know, overcast, rainy, cool! ....
It never fails!
But it was a fun day and now I'm EXHAUSTED! ........ but you know me, I'd rather blog than sleep so here goes!

I wanted CLAIRE and MOSTYN to spend some time with CADEN, SOPHIA, ISABEL and ANDREW before they leave to go back to Arizona after school lets out so ..........

I made arrangements with Jill and Mary and I was able to pick up Mostyn at his dads place and like I said it was rainy BUT I'd been promising the kids that I was going to take them to this very cool park in Meridian (Settlers) and they wanted to go RAIN OR SHINE so before going to Mary's house we stopped at the park with Mostyn and the kids played for a good hour!
Mostyn and Caden. They had a great time talking about video games, U Tube, books they have read in common ..... you name it!
The kids loved the spongy turf ...............................

And they tried out ALL the rides ..... Here's Belle on my little pony! lol

The slides were all wet but Andrew dried EVERYONE of them off and he left soaking wet !!!!

Sophia on the balance bar ......

And Mostyn actually balancing on the balance bars !

Andrew drying yet another slide and Isabel watching from the top!

Isabel just hanging around with the other 3 Amigos in the rear!

The kids absolutely LOVED the 2 big seated swings ...........

Who can resist ......................
So I even got in on the fun! (Are you surprised I even fit? Like I said ...BIG SEATED SWINGS)

They had a great time in the tire swing as well!

They were laughing so hard that a little boy by the name of Jason came over to join in the fun.
I introduced him to ALL the kids and he helped push and play with them.
After a good hour we decided we'd better get to Grandma Mary's. After all, we needed to see Claire too and we were gonna have lunch so we changed Andrew's wet pants to dry ones and headed for Boise. We stopped at Little Caesar's for a couple of pizza's and some bread sticks and then went to Na Na's house and had lunch on the deck. She had a taco salad as well as some fruit!
After lunch the boys went into Carlos office to play with some magnet toys and the computer while the girls went to Claire's room to prepare for a Fashion Show ......
Claire has grow so tall ! Look at the Stair Steps !!

1st on the Fashion Show was the purple ensemble! Very Classy!

2nd was "Pretty in Pink"
Here they are again in Ooh La La!!

The Beach ensemble!

A mixture of what was left I guess ..... lol

AND the disaster area after the models were done with their show! We skyped Jill and were able to say Hi to her and Hawkins and Scotlyn and then I had to have Mostyn home by 3PM and so after saying our goodbyes to Claire and Mary and Carlos we drove back to Meridian to drop off Mostyn and say goodbye to him then on to Kuna to drop off the McGregor kids. Andrew crashed in the car seat 5 minutes into the drive home. I finally wore him out!!
After I got back to Nampa, I stopped by the house, picked up a couple of movies and headed to Chris and Tamara's for a BBQ.
They had some friends over as well and the 5 of us had a great visit while the 3 children played.
The hamburgers were delicious and the kiddies were adorable. Mom's and Dad's are playing the "Pick Up" game here ...... lol
At around 7PM, I left and went to my friend Mary's (a different Mary from the previous Mary) and dropped off a movie for her as well. Came home, cleaned up the house, took a shower, talked to Princess and then Tony on the phone and NOW I'M GOING TO put this tired old woman to bed! I'm on my own at work tomorrow so I open and close and I need some rest!
I was a great day though and I hope you all had a great Memorial Day too!


Jill and Scott said...

Great pics Laverne! Thank you for taking the kids on. Holy moley those outfits! Claire is starting to look like a young woman! Yikes!!! I can't believe how much all the kids have grown! Thanks again!

Heather said...

Claire did get tall! Wow. Jill is right- she is becoming a little lady! All the kids are growing up! Sophia chopped her hair it looks like. Looks like they had fun. Wish Rowan could have been there to join in on the fun with Andrew. He loves slides. Sweet fashion show.

Curtis and Deedra said...

How fun! Glad the cousins had so much fun with each other. Claire is getting tall!

My actual Memorial Day was spent packing and traveling. When we got home we had frozen pizza and canned corn for dinner. But the weekend was good!

Mary said...

jee everyone thinks i grew(witch i did) that was kool pics grandma lavern