Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I made plans to go with Chris, Tammy and Katelynn to Costco after work last night. They got a gift certificate from a neighbor and needed some things so I hurried home after work, mowed my lawn, edged it with the weed eater and swept up a garbage can FULL of those darn fuzz balls off the tree! (I hope it's about done shedding cuz I'm tired of it !) Then I went to Costco, filled my car with gas and waited for them to get there.
The four of us went in and shopped! Chris is truly an accountant because he was adding things in his head as they shopped and when we checked out they had 76 cents left on the gift card! lol
Pretty good calculating Chris!!
I then treated them to a good ole Costco dinner! Don't get any better than that! ha ha .....

I left for home and Stillman called and wanted to know if I was there because he was returning some things. I said I wasn't but would be in 5 minutes!
When I got home I got out some curtains that I am hemming for a friend in the ward. I got started and Stillman showed up. We put the things away and as he was leaving we were discussing movies. He said they were watching ..........

INVICTUS ........... He asked me if I wanted to come over and watch it. I did .... so I followed him home! Alex was asleep on the couch and Jayden was so funny! He was wound up and wanted his daddy to dance with him, bounce him, swing him .... you name it! He kept turning the fan on and freezing us! (I know Tony ..... what you wouldn't give for some of that!!) But we watched the movie and it was good! We had a hard time understanding the words because of the heavy accents the characters had so Stillman put the thing on the TV where the words show up on the screen (can't remember what thats called) and there were a couple of time they used some BAD words!
It was kinda funny cuz I don't think we would have noticed if we hadn't read them! lol
Today I found out it was Stillman and Michelle's anniversary yesterday! NOW I FEEL LIKE A PARTY CRASHER!! Thank you for letting me ruin the romantic moment! I was a fun evening!


Curtis and Deedra said...

I believe the word you were searching for is "subtitles". If you don't read this you might find out tomorrow that my anniversary is today ;) Nothing romantic going on here though, lol. Not for another month and a half anyway.

Vernie and Tony said...

OH yeah! I don't know why I couldn't think of that but for some reason it was just not there!

It's your anniversary today??!!
I didn't get a secret mission assignment this year so I forgot!
Happy Anniversary!

Stillman and Michelle said...

You didn't crash anything. We celebrated on Saturday. Trust me Stillman would not have invited you over. We just didn't want the day to pass without doing something, so we got some food and a movie.