Friday, June 25, 2010


Had a great weekend starting with my date and Deedra's date .... (with each other) to celebrate our anniversaries! Her 8th and my 6th! I was hesitant about posting because I look like an AMAZON WOMAN next to her but decided what the heck! I am what I am!

We started off by treating ourselves to Mongolian BBQ. Mmmmmm, it was delicious!

Some younger boys were sitting in the booth behind me and they blew the paper off their straw and it landed on Deedra. They apologised profusely. Since they broke the ice I asked one if them if he would take our picture. I said we were celebrating our anniversaries. The waiter overheard and came to our table and asked "Did you say you were celebrating your anniversary?" .... I had to clarify that we BOTH had an anniversary and our husbands are working in Iraq and so we went out together . The way he asked, I'm thinking he thought I was a dirty ole lady with a younger woman! lol

After dinner, we went to see "THE PRINCE OF PERSIA". It was really good and we both enjoyed it. It was a fun date! Thanks Deedra.

Saturday was busy! I got up at 6AM and went to my friends to have a garage sale. We worked it till 1PM, then cleaned up the took the leftover things to Idaho Youth Ranch. Then the two of us (Kim and me) went to Lions Park to a birthday party that was being given for an elderly sister in our ward. After dropping Kim off at her house, I went home and cleaned out the garage, cleaned my car, cleaned the patio and picked the raspberries. After going in, I did my laundry and cleaned the house and ate a bite to eat.before talking to Tony on Skype.

I was so exhausted that I didn't sleep very well. (I hate it when that happens)

Today is Sunday. I went to church and then I gave Mom Norton a ride home after choir so she asked me to stay and have dinner with them. We had eggs and sausage and some delicious homemade apricot pie! It was sooooo good!

I'm waiting for my home teachers to come and then my visiting teachers are coming and I believe my niece Charcie is going to be stopping over for the night on her way back to Rexburg.

I'll work on my lesson till then, maybe catch a few ZZZZZZZZZ's.

Awhhhhh, good times!


Curtis and Deedra said...

I was waiting for you to post pictures. It was a fun night! I had leftovers for lunch yesterday and today and it was SO yummy!

ChrisandTamara said...

Happy Anniversaries! Glad you had a great time. I want to see that movie - it looks good. You look just fine in those pics. We are much more critical of ourselves than we are of others. I know I am always critical of myself. I can't sleep when I overwork myself too. Hope you get caught up on your rest today. Love ya.

Stillman and Michelle said...

Happy Anniversaries! Glad you liked it!