Sunday, October 3, 2010


I invited my friend Mary to come over and watch conference with me today. She is fairly new in the church and doesn't know a lot about the doctrine yet. She informed me that this was the 1st conference she has watched and listened to. She was very moved and asked me a lot of questions. She said she felt like a lot of the speakers were talking directly to her. So glad I had her over.
She didn't know that I had started the 8 week challenge and she brought me some zucchini muffins. I asked her if there was anyone else she could give them to because I was trying really hard to stick with the program and then I told her about it. She wasn't offended and said she was proud of me. After the 1st session she went to visit a couple of friends and gave the goodies to them. I went walking for my exercise and then we both met up back here to watch the 2nd session.
I told her I'd made her lunch!! ha ha (It's a felt hamburger that I made her with all the fixins!)

She said it looked delicious!! Then I fed her an Oriental chicken salad. I'm sure it was much better than the felt food! lol
It was a good day!!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Looks like a nice lady. Good for you on your 8 week challenge! (not exactly sure what that entails since we haven't had much time to talk but it sounds like you're doing good, lol) I wish I had your will power to say no to goodies but I just don't have it in me right now, lol. Keep up the good work!

Vernie and Tony said...

Believe me Deedra! I didn't have it till this time but I'm feeling really good about this and I am bound and determined to do it this time and with out help from drugs or whatever!!