Saturday, October 23, 2010


I had Stake meetings on Thursday night and before I went I stopped by Stillman's and dropped off a couple of small pumpkins to the boys. We grew them in our garden at work and the temps took several of them so I had enough to take to the Cleavers, the Floyds and the Norton's. There are a few still growing but are green so if they ripen up I'll hopefully have enough to take to the Butterfields and to Nephi.
Anyway, after giving Alex his he says "What's your favorite color?" I told him I like Red and Green .... He says "I'll be right back!" and off he runs ... and return with a picture colored green and a flower he picked from his mother's flower bed.
Awhhhhh, it was so sweet! Grand kids sure can melt your heart!
Sophia turned 10 on Thursday and so I missed her birthday because I was at my Stake meetings. She had some friends over and they made necklaces. Tony and I gave her a kit to make friendship bracelets. She can't wait to have her friends over to do these.
I can't believe she is 10 years old now! Man, these kids are growing up so fast!

I guess at the party, Traci had little BSU tattoo's. A very small BSU Bronco. Andrew kept telling her he wanted one on his chest. She said "OK, pull up your shirt" and he's say "NO, on my chest" and Traci said "OK, I'll put it on your chest but you have to pull up your shirt" ..... Then he points to his cheek and says "ON MY CHEST" ..... she laughed and said "That's your CHEEK!"
So Andrew got on on his chest ................

And on his cheek! He's a Happy Camper!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

Awww, that was so sweet of Alex. I love it when kids do things like that. Happy birthday to Sophia!