Sunday, October 10, 2010


I had another busy weekend! I hope my friend decides to quit moving soon. This is the 3rd move in three months and I think that's sufficient! lol
Yesterday we went to Eagle and Doc Campbell and his two grandsons helped us. He had a small red truck parked on the other side of ours and it was full too.
I felt like a redneck cuz there was masking tape holding things together so it wouldn't blow out!!
Thank goodness for these two young men and their grandpa or we'd have been at it ALL day! As it was we started at 10AM and we packed it up and took it to Nampa and unloaded it and were done at 1:40. I then went home and ate some lunch and then went to the rec center to walk for 45 minutes.

Its a beautiful path way and I've been walking every day for two weeks now.

I like this one because I feel safe and sometimes I go on my lunch break when I know I've got things at night to do. I've also gone on the Nampa Christian School track but they usually have kids on it now that schools going. I have also just walked from home to Lions park and around it several times.
I've started the 8 week challenge and tomorrow starts my 3rd week. I've lost 9.5 pounds so far and I hope to make a Krista out of myself and just keep going!!!
Anyway's I was sooooo tired last night that I fell asleep during the BSU game!


Jill and Scott said...

Congrats on your weight loss! THat is great! I went to the website today to check out the challenge and say that you won some honey!!! Did you know that? Keep up the good work!

Vernie and Tony said...

Yeah, I did Jill. I haven't got it yet but it should be here this week. That was exciting.

heather said...

Good job mom! You are doing some awesome! You might just win the whole thing! (Just share some $$ with me- I need a new table :0)

Jessie ♥ said...

I just stumbled on your blog and had~ to say that I couldn't agree more with your Blog's title! ( : I just celebrated my 2nd year anniversary hopefullt there'll be more to come!