Sunday, October 31, 2010


Nate and Melissa and the kids came over tonight and Nate said Tony's truck had bullet holes in it. I know how Nate likes to joke around so I said "Yeah right!" and then Melissa confirmed it. So I went out and sure enough ......

We called Nates cousin who is a police officer and he came over. Took my name and address etc. He asked me when was the last time I'd driven the truck. If I cut anyone off etc. He determined that it probably was a 4-10 shotgun. He said if it happened at night when I was asleep I probably wouldn't have heard it anyway. He said it would have sounded like a vehicle backfiring. He did find the plug to the shell a ways down the street so he said they must have done it driving by at fairly close range.

Later I went for my walk and I saw my neighbor walking with her kids and grandkids. (It's Halloween night) I mentioned it to them and her son said he and a friend came home from the bar on Friday night around midnight. They heard the shot and saw a flash from the gun and then the pickup truck sped around the corner nearly taking out their mailbox. He said he didn't realize that they hit our truck.


Heather said...

Isn't is sad how horrid people can be? Such a disappointment!

CPTA said...

that's horrible!!! people disgust me sometimes!!!

sorry that happened to the truck.

Unknown said...

Wow. WOW. That's so ridiculous - why on earth would someone do that?

And what's up with the door? I mean, what astounding firearm prowess it takes to hit the broad side of a truck... were they too drunk to hit the window or the mirror? Couple of absolute morons...

I'm so sorry for your truck and the repair costs... hope you get some good, fair, LOW estimates.

Curtis and Deedra said...

Wow, so glad nobody was hurt because of their stupidity....except the poor truck.