Sunday, November 14, 2010


WOW! what a busy weekend. Worked late Friday and then had some visits for R.S. to go to. After the visits I hurried home, turned on the game saw the 1st AWESOME play and then came upstairs to SKYPE with Tony! After we finished our visit, I hurried over to Mom and Dad Norton's to watch the game with a lot of the family. GREAT GAME but I wished we could have held them to ZERO!
SATURDAY was busy. Started off by going to the funeral of Marcus Shelton. One of the best services I have ever attended. Came home and Colby came over and installed the new anti virus program on the computer. Went for my walk and then came home and dressed again for church and went to the Regional Training meeting at the Stake house. Came home change clothes and went to my friend Sally's for dinner. She made a fabulous salad. It was fun.
She'd kill me if she knew I'd posted this picture.
Sunday was equally busy. Went to the block of 3 meetings, then choir practice then to Larry and Zella's to check on him. (just had surgery Friday) then home to grab a quick bite to eat and then back to the church for a R.S. meeting then home to change and walk.
I know your not suppose to work on the Sabbath but I had to do a little cleaning tonight. Ox in the Mire and all. Some days (or weekends) there's just not enough time to get everything done.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's amazing how busy weekends can be!!! Glad you came through relatively unscathed! :)

(And as Sundays go, we tend to end up with needing to clean, too, LOL... at least I could actually account for the hours of the other days, and why the stuff didn't get done then, LOL!!! :) )