Saturday, July 23, 2011


This has been such a FUN weekend!! Don't want it to end! After our visit with Jill today, Tony and I went to the church for our 24th of July celebration with the Ward! The Elder's Quorum was in charge and they BBQ'ed a whole pig and then we all brought salads, desserts, beans, rolls etc!
Mmmmmmm! It was so good!! It was a great turnout too!

After eating, there was entertainment and games! The Missionaries sang!
Brother Rauss, who is Samoan, had his little boys teach the Bishop the Fight Dance!
His girls did a Hawaiian dance and boy could they shake their hips!!
Brother Cambell played his bag pipes!! It was awesome! He was all decked out in his kilt and all!
Maureen Law sang! She is one of my Laurels and she did a great job!
Three of the four Nicholson girls!!
More of my Young Women and Brother Rauss's youngest daughter!
More of the Young Women!!
My little Hula Girls!
They had an egg toss game, a tug of war and a hatchet throw!!
TONY TAKES AIM...................
EYE ON THE PRIZE .................
AND LET HER FLY !!! In the words of Maxwell Smart ............He missed it by that much!

Such a fun day!! I enjoyed my self thoroughly!!


Curtis and Deedra said...

It almost sounds like you had a Luau instead of a Pioneer party, LOL. Looks like fun though! I bet Curtis would have liked trying to throw the hatchet. I'll have to post some pictures from our ward's party too.

Unknown said...

Sweet!!! I would've loved to see the kiddos doing the Haka - what a fun time! :) Way to celebrate Pioneers of every variety, too! :)