Thursday, July 28, 2011


Jill and family leave tomorrow (Friday) to start the trek back to Arizona! SO, I held a Party in the Park last night so we could see her off in STYLE ........ Well, as stylish as hot dogs and beans can be BUT that's how we roll! lol

Tony grillin dogs while the boys talk BSU!

Just relaxin and visiting a bit before we eat!
We were happy that Krista was still able to make it to the party but hope she has her own party this weekend!! (Know what I mean..wink wink)

Bob and Joyce came along as well and we were happy to have um!! Joyce made homemade ice cream!!

Finally got the two
"BIRTHDAY BUDDIES" together again! It's been three years! WOW! Where does the time go!

Time to dig in ! The weather was lovely and it made for a great evening!

We were able to get ALL the cousins (that were there anyway) together for a group picture! It was like Curtis said ......"It's like herding cats!" We even got a stranger hanging in the background ...... but we did the best we could!

The FABULOUS FIVE !!!! and 1/2
Tammy, Michelle, Me, Jill and Krista! (and

It was nice to get the family together to visit with Jill and see her before she leaves. We missed Deedra (who is very sick with a sinus infection) and Melissa and family. Nate was out of town camping with the kids and Melissa had a busy day and had to teach this morning so wanted to rest and Traci and family. She had a Nurse's meeting last night. :( boo
But we made it work and it was a great night!
We will miss you Jill and family! Hopefully next year we can do this and have Scott with us!

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

I hate missing family bbq's and missing family that I haven't seen in a long time! It would have been the high light of my week. I haven't gone anywhere since church last Sunday. I sure hope this is the most sick I get for another year and a half ;) I hope I make it to church tomorrow because our primary pres will be by herself if I don't. Yikes! I don't want to do that to her.