Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Deedra asked us if we'd like to go to the
Corn Maze
with her and the kids this year! We were going to go the 1st week in October but it rained so we waited till Tony and I were back from the coast. We went last night and it was a beautiful evening.We started with the small maze for the little kids!!
YEAH, it really is small! Tony and I are on our knees!! lol
Got a cute picture of Deedra and Nikki and Jack but it was hard to get Garrett in the shot. He was so excited and couldn't stop for this kind of nonsense!!

On to the

Grandpa leads the way .......

Eweeeeeee, it's getting dark! Where are we??

Let me figure this out! I'll get us outta here!!

Now Garrett is in the lead! Lets see if he can get us out !

I dunno? Deedra looks pretty skeptical!!

YEAH!!!! We all worked together as a TEAM and we found our way out!!

We hit the small maze again and the little munchkins found a mouse hole!

Finally !! Garrett is trapped and I got a good shot!
Blue Bronco Mustache and all!!

And lastly, out pops Jack!!

Farmer John (ie: Tony) and his farm hands! Gramma, Jack, Garrett and Nikki!!

By this time it was starting to cool down pretty good! We took a few pictures while the kiddies played in the hay !
Then we took a wagon ride out into the pumpkin patch and then back to the main area .........

Where the kids played in the corn while Grandpa and Deedra stood in line waitin for fresh cooked mini donuts!!!

Mmmmmmm, were they ever GOOD!!

After the kids ate their donuts, Deedra let them ride the swing for a last hurrah of the night!
It was sure a fun evening!! That is quite the Production Linder Farms has going for them! Way different from the last time Tony and I were there (7 yrs ago) with Traci and the kids!!


Curtis and Deedra said...

That was so fun! So glad we could enjoy that night together! Every time I go there now I have to get the mini donuts! They are SO YUMMY!!

Unknown said...

How fun!!! :) Glad you guys were able to find your way out - I'm still too scared to do the corn maze thing, LOL! :)

CPTA said...

That looks like sooooo much fun!!! =D glad you were able to enjoy the evening! The kids looked like they had a blast!

ChrisandTamara said...

Looks like you had a great time! That is a fun place to go to.