Friday, May 31, 2024


Deedra and Garrett got here last night at nine PM. Tony was still on Priesthood visits and I had just got back from the hospital and Traci's. I told her we'd be over in the morning and visit till Garrett had his orthodontic appointment at 11:30. 

Tony had a Dermatology appointment at 9:30 so we went to Mom's (that's where the kids stayed) to visit. Tony wasn't there long before he had to go but I visited with Deedra and Mom till she had to leave for Garrett's appointment. They were eating a light breakfast and we watched Jacks band performance which was last night. Deedra missed it but Curtis sent her the videos of it. They played cool songs. It was fun to watch. Garrett played the piano some and he is good as well. Once the kids left, Mom and I went out to look at her yard. I love this Syringa plant she has in her front yard. It is full of flowers and is beautiful! It's our State flower!! Around 11:30, the kids got back!! The appointment didn't last long at all. a few more months and Garrett can have his braces removed. YAY!!  Then they won't have to travel over here in the winter. The Blues can be scary that time of year. Tony called and said he was going to get gas and go to Hobby Lobby etc and I said Deedra is on her way back to Mom's so better get home as well. He didn't beat her but showed up shortly after the kids got here. Then we went to BURGER KING (Garrett's choice) for a quick lunch before the kids left for home. It was a quick trip. They were going to their Ward campout as soon as they got home. It's about a 5 hour trip but she gains an hour.
We ate, got a picture and off they went. We went to Costco and gassed up, went inside for Tony's prescription and Mom and I bought some clothes. Me 3 shirts and she bought pants and shirts. Tony found tennis shoes and got 2 pair and we all got a chair for our trip to Utah. It folds up small and Lynn and Joyce will especially need them as they can't walk a long ways. Then we ran across the street to Burlington and I bought a dress for $8.99 and I like it. lol I also got two more shirts and Mom bought a purse.

We came home and I cut out "N 4th"  on my Cricut. 3 inches tall so Tony could make signs for our Peach rows at the orchard.  He  said they weren't marked well and people were having a hard time finding them.  I hand watered my garden and flowers and then  I hemmed the lacy temple dress that Teri Wilburn gave me. It was super long. It's good to go for tomorrow. We showered and are getting ready to hit the hay! We will start packing tomorrow after our shift and then we have Stake Conference!! It was a 

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