Monday, May 27, 2024


We are planning on mowing yards twice this week because we will be leaving for Utah on the 3rd.  So, we got up this morning, ate a piece of toast and headed outside. Tony went across the street to Aunt Joyce's yard, and I got busy on ours! I was mowing the front yard and got too close to a sprinkler head!  The wheel of the mower went into a low spot and pulled the entire head out of the ground! Scared me big time! Tony said he would repair it after we were finished with the 2 yards. SO, I finished up the front and headed to the back yard. 

The peas,  beans, beets and egg plant are all doing very well in the raised bed. I'm so glad I did starts early in the toilet paper rolls. It sure gave my garden a jump start.

The tomato, potatoes , squash and basil are a little slower but coming along as well. Now that the weather is getting a lot warmer, they will be growing a lot faster.  I got the back yard mowed and weeded. Tony got us a new FISKER'S dandelion puller and it works great!! I didn't find many but I pulled the ones I found before they get big and go to seed! Our neighbor gives us enough of that. lol

My Colored Peonies are starting to open!  I have PINK!~

And DEEP RED!  Gorgeous!

And of course the white ones! They are in  the ground so seem to blossom quicker as opposed to the colored ones which I have in pots!! I had to do pots because I'm out of space in the ground! 

I have ONE Day Lily that has  bloomed but I do have a lot of buds! My luck, they will open while we are in Utah! 
But at least I'll come home to color!!

I asked Tony to cut some branches off the Locust tree because they were catching my hair as I mowed under them. 

It looks so much better now! More symmetrical!  While Tony went to Lynn's (his mother) to mow her yard, I started getting lunch ready. We had invited his mom and Aunt Joyce over for lunch since we didn't get to eat it yesterday after church. We'd planned on having the rest of the chicken salad sandwiches but them Tammy and Chris invited us over for Katie's graduation BBQ.  Anyway, when Tony finished, he and his mom came and I called Joyce to tell her lunch was ready! She brought a white cake and strawberries & Cream.
At 3PM  (well actually at 2:45) we headed to the Stake House to help set up tables & chairs and decorate for tomorrow's 

Shelly Hughes is our representative and she has titled our event THOSE OF THE LAST WAGON" and has devoted the luncheon to our ancestors who came before us! We decorated the tables with blue tablecloths with a burlap runner. Then we had a lot of sister's let us use their old pictures of family! 

It looked really nice when we finished.  Shelly made bookmarks with a poem about those who have gone on before us and we place them on the napkin along with a fork. It should be an easy serve as some  will dish up the sloppy joe mix onto the bun and the sisters can take carrot stix and chips on their own. 

We are having Texas Sheet cake for dessert so I had to come home after setting up and bake my cake. I had just finished when I got a call from one of my Ministering Sisters. She was in tears and asked if I would come over. She said she was really really sick.  I told her I would and jumped in the car. I told Tony I wasn't sure when I'd be home. When I got to her home, she was in the bathroom. She told me she was in the bathroom and wanted me to come in. She was on the toilet and crying and moaning and rocking back and forth. I got her a wash cloth and wet it and rung it out. She put it on her face and said she was super hot. She cleaned herself up (she had diarrhea) and I helped her get to her couch. She said her hand and feet were tingling and burning. She had a bad headache and her neck hurt. I seriously didn't know what to do. I told her I could take her to Quick Care but she wanted me to call 911. I did and they sent out the paramedics. There were five of them. They took her vital signs and blood and hooked her up to a heart machine. They determined that she probably had food poisoning. The longer they were there, the calmer she got. Finally, they left and told me to call them again if she got bad again. I stayed with her till after 8 o'clock. She seemed better as time went on so finally I asked if she would be ok if I left. She assured me she would and thanked me for coming over. I will be taking her to her doctor appointment on Wednesday to have the cancer removed on her head. It could take 4 to 6 hours so we'll see how that goes. I came home, showered and went down to watch TV with Tony when his mom called. She couldn't find her hearing aids so Tony had to go over. He's been gone at least an hour and it is now 10:13 so I think I'm gonna call it a day. I know he's gonna be frustrated with his mom when he gets home.  OH DEAR!

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