Thursday, May 30, 2024


Yesterday. I got up at 6:30, dressed and made a lunch for Robin and myself. Then at 7am, I went to pick her up. I drove her to Boise to a Dermatology business for her basil cell cancer to be taken off her head.  we were supposed to get there around 8:45 and we arrived at 8:30. They put us in a room and we waited for things to start. 
She was nervous so tried getting a movie on the TV. 

The nurse came in with the doctor, they drew on her scalp and cut a little hair and then numbed it good. Then they left and waited for the numbness to take hold.

Robin wanted me to come watch and I said 
"NO THANK YOU".... they don't need to be picking me up off the floor!! lol

After they finished cutting, she wanted me to take a picture. It was big and rather deep looking. They took the skin and  froze it and then slice it really thin and put it under a microscope to see if they got all the cancer.  They did not!! Anyway, they came back in, numbed it again and cut some more..... then left to freeze it, slice it and check again under the microscope.  Then they came in, said they got it and numbed her again and got ready to sew her up. All in all, we were there till a little after 1 o'clock.  I ate my lunch while there and she only had a bite of her sandwich. She was too nervous.

Once she was stitched up, we left and went to get her prescription for an antibiotic. I also went to HOME GOOD'S and Bath & Body looking for bath gel. Decided to wait for a good sale!! I couldn't believe how much the bath & body products have gone up in price!!   WOW!!
Claire's water had broke and I was anxiously waiting to hear about her baby.  Tony left to go to thin peaches at the orchard and Jenni picked me up to go do some Relief Society visits.  I finally went to bed that night around 10 and she was getting closer but still not there.  I had to get some sleep!

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