Saturday, May 25, 2024


Served on our Temple Shift today. The days are getting longer and it's obvious when we pull up to the temple!

No longer pitch black when we arrive. It's dusk! Had a great day! Saw our little Abby. She brightens the room wherever she is!  Love her so much! 

 I love to be in the Lord's house. I love serving Him! I know it makes Him happy as well. I look forward to meeting Him one day.

I came home, and set the table because we  were feeding the Sister's at 4. I had made a chicken salad last night so everything was ready.  I put some Peony's on the table because they are just so beautiful! After things were ready, we relaxed for a bit and I did 3 batches of laundry. There is never a shortage of dirty clothes.

The Sister's and Sabrina and Alissa came.  Sabrina is a member but not active and Alissa is her niece and not a member. Sweet girls! 

We watched a video about the Savior after dinner and we had a discussion on what the Savior has done for us. The Sister's encouraged the girls to read the Book of Mormon and Tony and I bore testimony to how much it helps us if we do. It was a nice evening. Glad we were able to make it happen this time.
SIDE NOTE:  I served my favorite pudding  
Tony and I absolutely love it AND when they left there were two of them that they had tasted and didn't finish and we had to throw them out! I could have cried!!  lol  I won't make that mistake again!!

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