Tuesday, May 28, 2024


It was an absolutely beautiful day! In the 80's!!!   We picked up Joyce & Lynn and went to the SILVER SISTER'S LUNCHEON~ Tony was the Priesthood holder and he also helped us with set up and clean up. It turned out SO WELL!~  Shelly had asked her brother, Dan Hughes to speak. He was magnificent! The food was delicious and the decor was beautiful and so appropriate!!  AND I GOT SO BUSY, I FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES!!!  I was so disgusted with myself!  I helped Shelly serve and we both got so busy that we both neglected to get pictures! It was a wonderful turnout and all  the sister's there said it was awesome!! 
we came home after cleaning up. We dropped off Lynn and then we dropped off Joyce at Walgreens and we went to the carwash and washed and vacuumed our car. Then we picked up Joyce and came home.  I noticed my flowers were in bloom!

Honestly, they were buds yesterday and open today!! 
 All it takes is HEAT I guess!!

This one is like the ones I got rid of because I love the full flower but I guess now I have both!

But there are several of these beauties so I can't complain! We sat down to rest and watch some HEARTLAND until the sister Missionaries came with Ty, a young man they are teaching. They wanted to use our house and that was fine with us. It was a good discussion and we were happy to help! After they left around 3:30, we ate a half a sandwich and continues to watch Heartland. Then at 6:15, I left for my Relief Society Meeting at Jenni's.

We had heard that thunder storms were predicted but it had been such a beautiful day, we weren't sure it was going to happen. However, I backed out of the garage and the wind was blowing and the clouds were rolling in. When I was about to Jenni's a big lightning struck followed immediately by the loudest thunder I've ever heard! It scared me !!  I actually jumped!!  It rained really hard for a short while and the thunder continued but not as loud as the one!!  It was just sprinkling when I came home. I actually love thunder storms. They are pretty awesome. On another note, I am waiting to hear about Claire. She is in labor and about to make me a "Great Gramma"   She's close but I've got to get to bed so won't hear till morning.   Arggggggg!  It's killing me!

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