Sunday, May 26, 2024


We got up and got ready for church. Tony had Ward council after church so I drove the car and Tony took his truck. I picked up Lynn and Joyce and off we went. It was our Fast & Testimony meeting because next week in Stake Conference.  It was a very good meeting. Then Toni Mendoza taught Relief Society and she did marvelous!!  She is a GREAT TEACHER!  After church, Tony stayed for his meeting and I took the ladies home. I read for a little while and then I left for my son, Scott's Ward.  My granddaughter, Scotlyn was speaking and I wanted to support her.
Scott is the 1st counselor in the Bishopric and he conducted the meeting. I was impressed! He did such a good job, but I'm not surprised. He's very outgoing and has DJ-ed,  announced games, etc.

I got pictures after wards. Jill, Scotlyn & Scott

Scotlyn did a great job on her talk on service. I was impressed again!!  She's such a good kid!! Love her so much! After I got home, Tony, Lynn and Joyce were all here at home waiting for me. Evidently, Tammy and Chris were having a Graduation Party for Katelynn at their home. It was a BBQ. So, I changed and we headed over to their home. 
I was glad I asked Katie if we could get a picture with her in her cap and gown. She went up and put it on and we had Anna take it.

We came back in and I gave Katie her card and a little paper purse I had made for her. The purse had a chocolate in it that said "We Love You" and a EOS lip balm. Then her card had a gift card in it. We hate to give her money because she spends it on "bad things"..... hate to say it but it's true. We made the mistake of asking her what she was going to do now that she has graduated. She said she has decided to be a "tattoo artist"...... she has gone from going into the coast guard, to being a nurse to a tattoo artist!! She has herself all marked up and she is good but it seems like her ambitions are going in the wrong direction. She said she was doing tats on her friends to make money to buy a car and then she'll get a job. She then went to the kitchen and started getting after her mother about not having a car and us all asking her what she is doing with her life and basically blaming all her problems on her parents. Chris was outside grilling and he came in and got after Katelynn about disrespecting her mother. It got a little heated so Katelynn left the house red faced.

We all ate dinner and visited. Chris apologized for the incident but we all told him we agreed with him and told him that she has to learn.  She still wasn't home when we left so it will be interesting to see if she leaves home again. I sure feel for Chris & Tammy. They have given her everything and she just doesn't appreciate what she has.  Praying for them all.

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