Thursday, May 30, 2024


We went to the temple today. It was gorgeous out. we just did an endowment each and then some sealings. We got several done but I'm not sure the total. 
When we left we were going to go meet Traci so I could give her her birthday gifts but she was in a meeting and would be till 6PM this evening. SO, I told her I'd come in later.

We went back to Nampa to HAPPY TERIYAKI and had a chicken bowl. Then after we ate, we went next door to have some ice-cream at COLD STONE.
I wanted to go see Claire's baby (which is my Great grand baby) so I sent her a text to see if I could. She said she was going to have a get together later for everyone to meet him. So I took that as a NO. Scott called me when we were on our way home and asked me what I was doing. I told him and then I said I wanted to go see the baby but I got the impression she didn't want me there. I told him I understood. Afterall, I'm not her blood gramma so there's that. 

He is just adorable though and I want to hold him so bad!

I can't believe all his hair!!

He sure looks like a good combination of his mom and dad.

His name is Lincoln Seo Van Peursem
Born May 29th at 1:06 AM  6 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long

Claire is one happy Momma! 
Later, Scott told me that Jill and Scotlyn were going up later and to get in touch with Jill and see if I could meet them up there. I sent her a text and she said it was OK. I hope I don't make Claire mad at me but dang it, I consider him my great grand baby.  I wanna see him when he's still brand new!
I went out to the yard and found another beautiful Peony in bloom!! Then at 5:20, I headed for Boise. I got to the hospital and text Jill. She and Scotlyn were there and told me to come on in. Jill was coming down the hall as I was coming in. I thanked her for letting me come and as we were walking to the room, Thomas came out and asked how long we would be there cuz he wanted his parents to come up as well. I assured him I would only be 10 minute tops.

Claire was nursing Lincoln when I came into the room. Jills sister and her daughter were there . They stayed a while longer and then left. Claire finished feeding the baby and then Thomas burped him. He finally asked me if I wanted to hold the baby!! I thought he'd never ask! I washed my hands and then took him from Thomas.
He really is so adorable! His color is beautiful and his hair is INCREDIBLE!!

I was in baby heaven for a short while!

Jill told me to look at her and the little guy put his hand up just then!

So I held his hands and she took another picture. It was hard to leave but since I was allowed to go in, I decided I'd better not wear out my welcome. Jill & Scotlyn left at the same time, I drove to Traci's and waited for a while but finally, I tried her door and it was open so I left the gifts on the counter and came home. The meeting she was in went longer than planned and then they did a craft for the family who lost a son in a car accident. I got home, and will get ready for bed. 

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