Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Tony and I tied the knot 20 years ago today!! (More than 20 pounds ago too! lol)  We are perfect for each other. We can't believe how fast the past 20 years have gone. It seems like yesterday when we found each other. Best decision of our lives!!

I love how much better my life has been since I found him. He says the same about me. We have so many similarities that we finish each other's sentences 90% of the time. We like doing the same things, watching the same movies and eating the same foods. Our faith has been the best bonding for our marriage.

We went to the gym and it was raining when we went. It was cooler and very comfortable. didn't last! lol However, we got our exercise in and then went to Bruneel to get our oil changed. While that was being done, we walked to Winco and bought a few items so I can make dinner for the Doxey's tomorrow evening. When it was finished, we came home and I showered and cleaned up while Tony went to help his mom with something.

When he got home, we went to RED ROBIN for dinner and to celebrate our wedding Anniversary!

It's really not my favorite place to eat but Tony got a free burger for his birthday (which is Friday) and we are all for a freebie!! I just don't dig burgers like I used to when I was younger. SO, Tony had to eat half of my burger and he cleaned up my fries as well. lol

Then we went to COLDSTONE CREAMERY and he got ice-cream and I got a smoothie!  We came home and relaxed for an hour and a half. I worked on my Diamond Art and Tony worked on his puzzle. At 4:30, we went to help the Boyers move!

Brother Ring and Brother Francis came to help.

A new gentleman (Gerald Rogerson) who was at church on Sunday was there to help. I thought that was awesome of him. He'll only be here for a while.

 We were done in an hour and just as we finished, Brother Glaettli and the Bishops (Stan and his wife Chabuca) Showed up. There was a mix up on the times to show up but it was still nice to see them.
This is sweet Paige Boyer who is moving. Her husband is a music teacher in Parma and he is just tired of driving back and forth all the time. Don't blame him! She has been our Gospel Doctrine teacher and she is such a great teacher. We will miss her and her family so much! The ward was blessed to have them for as long as we did!

We were the only women helping. (from the left) Teresha Peterson, me and Allisa Boyer (who is David Boyer's mother) and his dad showed up as well. Then the Bishops and Brother Glaettli. We were happy to help but will sure miss them! Now we are home and it's been a wonderful day! I'm going to work on my Diamond art while watching NCIS.

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