Saturday, June 22, 2024


We left the house this morning at 4:55 and were on time for our 5:30 meeting at the temple. It was BUSY today!!  We were Veil Coordinators and we absolutely love it!! It was a great day!

We left the temple around 11:15 and headed to Deseret Book. Tony had some coupons so we bought 4th season of THE CHOSEN, and two puzzles. Happy Birthday to Tony!! I saw Laree Milward on the way in. I used to work with her at ProPeople.  She is just so sweet and was very gracious! We left after making our purchases and  Tony said he'd drive me by my old house since it was close to the Bishops Warehouse. We had to pick up a food order for someone in the ward.

The house had been painted again and looks so much better than the last time we say it! I was thrilled to see the Magnolia tree I planted in the front yard as well as the Hathorne I planted on the side of the house! I'd like to see them in bloom some day! We then went and picked up a food order and then headed home to make the delivery. It was HOT!! 96* After the delivery, we drove home and noticed a truck on the side of the street where the graffiti was painted. They had young boys out doing the work!!

They made them lay down a thin layer of cement to cover what was on the sidewalk.

Then they painted a light grey on the graffiti on Patrick's fence.

And on the several spots on our fence. I don't know if it was the boys who did it but they were probably boys who were on probation or whatever so they make them do the clean up. I hope it will teach them NOT TO DO THINGS LIKE THIS!! It was so hot and I'm sure they were uncomfortable. We changed our clothes and then went to THE HABIT for lunch. Tony had a coupon for a free Char Burger for his birthday and I had another Cesar Chicken Salad. It was just as good as Thursday!! lol We came home after getting ice-cream at the Cold Stone Creamery because he had a buy one get one free. Another birthday gift. He got TWO "Gotta Have It" of Founder's Favorite!! We came home and ate it in front of the TV while watching some NCIS. He was finished before I even got mine down to the rim of the cup. I asked if he wanted mine and he ate all of it too. WOW! That man and Ice-Cream!! Now we are working on our talks for tomorrow. 

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