Sunday, June 30, 2024


Yesterday was our Saturday AM shift at the temple. The days are longer now and the sun is coming up as we arrive. However, the longest day is already over so it's gonna start getting darker again as the days go by. 

We had a wonderful day serving. It was hot when we left at 11:30. Came home and changed and then  we relaxed for an hour or so before going to get the ladies for Tony's birthday dinner. 
YES, another one!!  lol

Lynn wanted to take him to THAIL LAND EXPRESS for a birthday dinner. We didn't object! Before we went in, I took a picture of the three of them in front of the restaurant.  Then I asked Joyce to take a picture with me in it. 

LOL,  These ladies crack me up!!  This is what I got!  
I showed her again what to do and I got a better one.

Yeah, that one works!!

Then she took one of me and Tony inside too.

AND when our food came!! Mmmmm, so good!  

Then we came back to our house for his BIRTHDAY CAKE! When we went to our Ward FUND RAISER, we bought a couple of coupons for cakes at Dairy Queen so this was a great time to use one. He got a Reece's Peanut Butter Cake.
 It was pretty darn good!!  It was another good birthday celebration. 
Over & Out till we get back from Portland. We leave tomorrow to go see mom and celebrate HER birthday! 102 is a reason to party!!

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