Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Tony and I got up around 7:30 this morning. He wanted to get a early start on the yards as its going to be a hot one!! He went to his mom's house 1st and discovered Leo (the man she has weeding) mowed the back yard so he did the front and then edged and came home. Joyce didn't get her water turned off  so he did our lawn. I was going to do it after I got home from the Silver Sisters luncheon but he said it would be too hot and he didn't want me outside then! 
What a sweet heart!!
Hard at it!!

My Begonias are growing pretty well but haven't 
started to bloom yet!

I have 5 pots in the front. The top one here isn't very big yet but
 it's coming along!!

I have one more in the back yard so a total of six pots of Begonias! Can't wait for them to bloom. They are a gorgeous flower!!

Tony working on the back yard. He also cleaned out the filters on the sprinkler system because we have a dry spot to the left of this picture. Also the garden wasn't getting wet towards the back. Things look a lot better now. He's a good man!

My Mara plant (I think they are Dianthus's)  Is coming back. I cut it back BIG TIME a week ago because it was getting stringy and it will look good again soon!

Just enjoying my lilies on a daily basis because they will be gone soon and then just green for a while!!  BOO!~

I finished my temple purse (to hold my cards and mints etc) when I don't have pockets. It's not as pretty as some I've seen this but it will have to do. 

I finished my last Afghan so took a picture.  Its the one I took apart because it wasn't even on all sides. lol It looks better now.  I went to pick up Joyce and Lynn and take them to the luncheon.

It was such a fun day!! They had talents displayed from a bunch of Sisters who wanted to show off their their work!

My Afghan , 2nd from the right. 

Lynn and Joyce's fan charts and my necklace and paper purses and cards, along with some other items from other sisters.

There was everything from quilts to canning. 

This was a gorgeous diamond art picture!!

They had hired This musical group who goes all over to play. Cherry Festival, Old Time Fiddler's Festival, LDS Ward parties etc... They were fun and funny!

More displays!

It was such a good turnout!! They served pulled pork sandwiches, chips, relish tray and pie.

Their instruments were very original!!  The bass on the left. An old washboard and a spoon she would hit on the metal pipe on the top.

The main singer used a key board and the lady on the right had a "chamber pot"   used as a drum. She called it the Thunder drum!

The tambourine and the Maracas. The maracas were made with two plungers glued together with beads inside. Then the guitar was made with a bedpan!!  It was amazing the music they could make with these weird instruments.  It was sure a fun luncheon. I got the ladies taken home and then came home and showed Tony my pictures.  Now, he's working on a new puzzle that I got him for Father's Day.

AND, I am going to work on  this new Diamond Art that Lorie Slover gave to me!!  She was at the luncheon and I was telling her what a beautiful picture the Diamond Art Savior was. She showed me her John Wayne diamond art that was on display, and she told me she had some kits she wanted to give away. She let me look through what she had and this one was in her stash. She gave it to me!!  MAN, am I excited!!  Now I have something to do while Tony works on his puzzle.  YES!!

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