Monday, June 24, 2024


Yesterday, Tony and I had to speak in Sacrament meeting. We are glad it is over for a year or so. FINGER'S CROSSED! lol Lynn taught the Relief Society lesson so it was the Norton show yesterday! lol We ate dinner at my place and I cooked a beef roast and had creamed red potatoes, carrots and peas. Lynn brought a cabbage salad and Joyce brought apple dumplings. After we ate, we watched 17 Miracles. I had invited Robin over but she said she wasn't feeling well so she didn't come. After we finished the movie, we started to play cards and Lubov came over to visit. We talked her into playing Golf with us and it was fun. Especially because we declared a winner after every hand. That way we all won. Even Lubov. After she left, the two ladies went home as well. Soon after, Joyce came back over and said her hand was bothering her a lot. She had been stung by a hornet on Saturday and her hand was red and swollen. Tony put some stuff on it and gave her a Priesthood blessing. Then he ran her to the emergency to be sure she would be OK. They treated her and sent her home. She had a very hard time sleeping Sunday night because it hurt and itched really bad. 
Monday morning we got up and immediately went over to Whitney's trailer so Tony could check her electrical, and see why her lights and air conditioning wasn't working. 

She has practically gutted the place. She said she is remodeling but it looks even worse than last year when we came to help her with another electrical problem. It used to be a fairly decent looking place and hopefully, if and when she gets the remodel done, it will look good again. She has taken out all the kitchen cupboards, the living room is m=now her bedroom, her bedroom is now the main door to come in and has a small washer in it. I am anxious to see it when it's finally done. NONE THE LESS, Tony found out that all her outlets and boxes had power and all that needed to be done was to flip a switch on one of the power boxes and Whala.... lights and air conditioning came on!!  She WAS THRILLED! She's been living like that since last August! We called Joyce to see how she was doing. The red was spreading up her arm. She was headed to Quick Care. Since she was on her way, we went to the gym and did our workout. It was walk, weights and elliptical today.

After our workout, I went out to wait in the car but it was so blasted hot, I got out and sat under a tree and waited for Tony. We went to Lynns on the way home and got her Dr. appointments squared away. 
When we got home,  I went out to the garden~!  I weeded, and watered. If I stay on it, I can stay on top of the weeds. They grow like no other!! And, with this heat, the garden needs water daily or the plants go limp!! 

SO, I do it every other day and hopefully I'll have good produce! 
Tony and I are going to relax the rest of the day. We have to help a family in the ward move on Wednesday afternoon.  So, blog done and now I'll finish my afgan. 

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