Monday, October 14, 2024


Sunday, was my day to teach Relief Society and I knew I wanted to be to Alivia's farewell (which was during our RS meeting time) so 3 weeks ago, I asked Effie Dickerson if she would be willing to teach my class for me. BLESS HER HEART~! 
She did! We were able to go to our Sacrament meeting and then we left to go to Alivia's ward. 

 I have been trying so hard as of late, to think about the importance of the Sacrament. We have been reading in our nightly studies about the Savior implementing the Sacrament in the America's when he visited the Nephites after His resurrection.  I am trying harder to think and ponder of Him who sacrificed Himself for us. I love my Savior and I want to honor Him more as I partake of these holy emblems.
After leaving our building, we went to the Smith Building and I was able to partake again. Such a blessing.

After the Sacrament, Alivia was the 1st speaker. She's the newest Missionary in her ward and the young man who spoke after her, just returned.  Alivia did a fabulous job! Her testimony is strong!! She is definitely ready to serve the people in Colorado. 

After the meeting, we got our picture with Livi. Her best friend is from Tonga and made her the beautiful Lei she is wearing. I love it. We hurried home and I was going to make a Quiche for dinner.  However, it was noon and we were supposed to be at their home for an open house at 1 o'clock. I just didn't have the time to make the Quiche,  SO, I threw a Motor City Pizza in the oven and cut up some apples to eat with caramel sauce. It was just fine!! We still didn't make it to the Cleaver's till 1:20 but it worked out great. We were the last to leave. lol  After getting home, Tony was dead tired because he stayed up till 1am on Sunday morning because he and his mom watched the BSU game. I wanted to, but I overdid it in the garden on Saturday and I was extremely tired and SORE!! At one point, before he went over to his mother's, I was sitting with a heating pad on my back and a blanket over me and I got the shakes SO BAD!! Tony covered me up with two more blankets and for some reason, I could not stop shaking. He then made me a cup of HOT CHOCOLATE and my body finally settled down. It was weird. It scared us both! 
Sunday night after we had rested, we called Alivia Erwin to find out the particulars of the upcoming shelling trip.  Then after visiting with her, we got out our suitcases and started packing. We aren't done but we decided to go to bed at 9:20. Earliest we have in a long time. lol We were both needing rest. We got up this morning and Tony went to the gym. I cleaned my house. 
When Tony gets home, we are going to finish cleaning the garden out. Thank goodness he is going to help me. You wouldn't think digging potatoes and picking squash was a big deal but it did a number on me. Then we'll mow the lawns before our trip and finish packing and loading the car. We are heading out right after his dermatology appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to get to Florida! It is going to be so fun looking for shells!  FUN FUN FUN!!
When people have asked us why we are going to Florida, we say,

Tony got home from the gym and decided to go directly to his mom's to do her lawn.  I got my house cleaning done. All dusted and vacuumed. Floors mopped, toilets cleaned, AND then I went out and started on our lawn. Tony can work circles around me!! He came home and edged and mowed Joyce's lawn and winterized it. He did the same at his mom's. I was just finishing up our lawn and he edged and winterized ours! THEN, we dug up the rest of the potatoes, except for the sweet potatoes. They are kinda hid by the flowers and not exactly sure where. lol We decided to leave the flowers till we get back from Florida, so the sweet potatoes will wait too! I came in and made potato soup with the Ukon Gold one's he sliced with the shovel. Then we ate dinner and got showered and finished packing. I wrapped Christmas gifts for Derek, Heather & Colby that we'll deliver on the 24th.  We loaded the car and we are good to go in the morning.  I won't be posting till I get back from Florida AND then I'll have a ton of pictures and experiences!!  YAHOO!!~ 

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Had an interesting experience on Thursday night. We were up till about 10 and had finished our scripture reading. I got into bed and had just closed my eyes, when I saw a very distinctive white ribbon pass before my closed eyes! It was waving like a flag in the wind.  I immediately thought of my mother.

I went to sleep and when I got up Friday morning, I turned on my phone, and saw a text string from my siblings. Mom had passed through the veil sometime after 10.  She had been nauseated after breakfast on Thursday and was very lethargic. Alexandra, was concerned and had her taken to the hospital. Her blood pressure was extremely low. When Alexandra got to the hospital, Mom took her hand and squeezed it but was not speaking. When Alexandra called me from the hospital, she said she was waiting for the doctor to come in to see what was up. She said a nurse had said that she thought she only had a day or so. She put the phone up to Mom's ear and I told her how much I loved her and that we were all thinking of her and hoped she would be feeling better soon.  She said a little later,  Mom perked up and was sitting up and trying to fix her hair with her hands.  Alexandra had some errands to attend to so she left. The Ambulance transported her back to her care facility around 9 in the evening. Alexandra said she was nauseated again (probably from the ride) and so she cleaned her up and got her put into her bed at 10PM. She left for a few minutes and then came back in at 10:15 and Mom was gone.

She sent me this picture and we talked. Alexandra said she tries not to get personally attached to her patients but she cried and said she had with mom. She was such a wonderful Caretaker. We couldn't have been more blessed to have Mom in her home. My brother Rick made a wonderful comment about Mom. He said that in the Hebrew language, the number 10 means "Unity With God" then he said. "How appropriate for out Angel Mother to go back home in the 10th hour, on the 10th day, of the 10th month." 
Then Tony and I made the observation that we had taken her to Alexandra's home 10 and 1/2 months ago. It was a beautiful thought and we are so grateful that Mom is now free of her mortal body with it's limitations. She now see's and hears perfectly and is with Dad, her parents and all our wonderful family who have gone before.


Our usual day for going to the temple. We had four of us as Lona was still in town. We went to the 10 am session and when we arric=ve around 9:20, there were Sister Missionaries working on the grounds. Getting all the Pansies and decorative cabbage (I don't think thats the real name) laid out and ready to be planted. 
It was a good day in the temple. We each did an endowment and then we did two hours of sealings. So glad Lona was here to help us out. After we left the temple, we went to the HABIT for lunch. I did the usual Ceasar Chicken salad and everyone else got burgers. It was good but I am always the last to finish when I try to chew up all the greens! lol

We came home and I walked through my yard and realized how things are turning.The Locust is orange and dropping leaves like crazy. I thought I won't be enjoying my Begonia's much longer as it is supposed to freeze next week.

My Hydrangeas are turning a pretty pink. I did learn that the type I really wish I had, are called LIMELIGHT!! I may be taking out a couple of the three I have, and putting in Limelight because they are SO MUCH FULLER AND PRETTIER!! And, Tony said I could!!

One of my Peonies have gone from green leaves to pinkish orange.

The Hen & Chicks have starting growing over the sides of the planter. Fall is definitely in the air and I am seeing 
BIG CHANGES in our yard.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


I was having back problems last week and I told Tony that I thought I had to much weight on the back lift machine I was doing. BUT come, Thursday night, I had chills and my body ached so bad. When I had to get up to use the restroom, I could hardly walk.  I was hurting all day Friday and by that evening, I decided that my body was passing another kidney stone. The pain in my back had resonated in the right kidney and I spent the night on the couch with the heating pad. With two very bad nights for sleep, I was afraid I would not have a easy time staying awake during Generg=al Conference, BUT it was so good, I had no trouble at all.

ALL, the talks were spectacular! President watched the 1st session on Saturday from his home and was in the 2nd session. Same on Sunday. Home for the 1st and present for the last. Every speaker had messages that were pertinent to us. Individually and as a whole. 

Seventeen NEW TEMPLE'S were announced in President Nelsons talk. HOW EXCITING IS THAT!! The Lords work continues to go forth!!

Some exciting messages presented! This is just one! It was a fabulous 2 days with inspired instruction for us. After Conference on Saturday night, I wanted to go to Lynn's with Tony so I could watch the BSU game but I was nauseated and hurting so I stayed home and tried to go to bed. Saturday, I got up and watched conference and tried to flush it out by drinking a ton. It must have been a small stone, as it didn't hurt so bad that I needed to go to the hospital. SO, I rode it out!! Tony gave me a Priesthood blessing and  sometime on Sunday, it passed. WHAT A RELIEF!! They sure aren't any fun!! I was able to go to Lynn's for dinner after the last session. Still not much of an appetite but at least I was feeling better. Monday morning, Tony got up and went to the gym but he told me to stay home and catch up on my sleep. I was so thrilled to do so. Scott came over to visit me and stayed about an hour. After he left, I took a nice hot shower and boy did it feel good.  I had to take Robin to the dentist at 2 on Monday. I dropped her off because she was going to be put under so the dentist could do the work. They were to call me when she came out of it.  I was just leaving the dentist when I got a call from Lubov asking if I could take her to COSTCO to pick up her glasses that had just come in. I drove straight to her house and took her over. Came home and mowed the lawn and then around 4:45, got a call from the dentist saying Robin was ready to be picked up. So I got her home and settled and then came home and got ready to go to Scotlyn's concert.

After the concert (and it was GOOD!) I got pictures of her and Porter. He came to listen to her as well.

Tony and I wanted a picture. 

And we got one of Jill and her pretty little daughter. We saw Brigit and Jeremy and Donna there as well. it was a nice evening. We came home, got ready for bed and then got up bright and early this morning . Went to the gym and walked. I am feeling 100% again and am so grateful for that. This afternoon, I had an appointment with Dr. Keller (my kidney doctor)  I told him about the kidney stone so he is having me do a "Pee Collection" to see why my body is making the stones. It's my 4th and I seriously 
He said my labs were looking really good and he is planning on me having the infusion 2 more time and then will take me off of it and see what happens. He said my disease is known for coming back but he also said we will watch it closely and if I start getting a rash, or my lungs get bad again, we'll jump right back in. He's hoping that will NOT happen!! I sure like him! Great doctor!! We came home and ate dinner and then we both had meetings tonight. Time now to relax and get ready for bed.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


Fall (and Spring) are my absolute favorite seasons!!

It has been absolutely gorgeous today!!  We went to the gym 1st thing. We were going to take Joyce & Lona but they said they were waiting for Heidi and would go later. SO, we picked up Lynn and off we went. I walked with Neva and then Rena. I actually walked 3 miles today because I wanted to visit. lol I didn't ride the elliptical for too long before Tony was done with his 4 miles. Tony took me home and then he went back to Lynn's to see why her computer wouldn't turn on. It turned on right away. lol (Maybe she just wanted Tony to come over) lol He wasn't there long and called me and said he was going to COSTCO  for gas. I said I wanted to go because I wanted to pick up Costco Chicken soup for Sunday. He picked me up and $300 dollars later, we came home. lol They have new puzzles and Tony got four of them. I got the Oriental salad kit (they are so good with fried chicken) then we bought some food items that were on sale. I got some Halloween candy for the Trick or Treaters and ZIP FIZZ cuz it was on sale and the gal who demo's it ALWAYS gives us a bottle each. SO, we buy from her everytime she is working. (if it's on sale that is) We came home and put things away and then we had a yogurt for breakfast. It was after noon. lol

Tony went out to cut the frames for the two puzzles. 

A Halloween one for me and the one for Charlotte that she put together while she was recouping from the dog attack. Deedra modge podged it in Kennewick and brought it with her last time they came. It will be framed and ready to be picked up next time they come.

I had thought about digging up the potatoes but decided to wait till tomorrow. I needed to mop my kitchen floor and vacuum for my company tomorrow. The sister missionaries and Robin are coming for dinner.  I love my Marigold edging.

There are still a few squash in there. I thought I had them all but I see at least two more hiding amongst the potato vines.

Some of the potatoes are growing on top of the ground. I don't know if that means I didn't plant the seed potatoes deep enough or if I have a ton of spuds and they didn't have anywhere to go but UP!  lol Guess I'll find out tomorrow! I came in and mopped my kitchen floor as well as the bathrooms. I vacuumed the house and then decided to make us some lunch. It was nearly 4PM and we don't like to eat too late. Makes it hard to sleep. (at least for Tony) NOT ME!  lol 

I fried up some rotesorie chicken and put it on the oriental salad we bought today!~ I LOVE THIS SALAD!!
Tony came in and ate and we watched an episode of 
EVERY BODY LOVES RAYMOND. Then he went back out to finish cutting the frames and sanding the wood.  I was planning on making a quiche and cream puffs for tomorrow and have the Chicken soup on Sunday between sessions of conference. We were waiting to hear from Joyce to know if they were coming (along with Lona and Peter) or if they were going out to Heidi's. Then Lynn called and said she was making Salmon and potatoes for Sunday and would I bring a salad or something. I said I was waiting to hear from Joyce and she said, "She's here. She doesn't know what she is doing yet but I'll be cooking one way or the other.", I decided to have the soup tomorrow with my dinner guests. I'll make rolls in the morning and the cream puffs. 

I went up to my craft room after cleaning up the kitchen and finished putting together the quilt cards I made.  I typed a letter to my Mom and then cleaned up the craft room. When Tony finished and came in, we showered and got ready for bed. We are just relaxing now. 
It's been a great day! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Tuesday, we got up early and went to the gym. Got our walking in and then we stopped at the church on the way home because Tony and I had to set up tables and chairs for the Relief Society that evening. We finished in no time at all and then went home. Tony had a Dermatology appointment, so he cleaned up and off he went. I made a batch of cream puffs for the RS activity.

Then I went up to my craft room and worked on some cards.

I wanted them to look like they were quilted  so I ran them through an embossing folder.

I liked the one on the left better than the one on the right because the brown stands out, and makes the quilt pieces show better. Once Tony was home, we ate leftover pizza and then I gathered up a few items I made. The night was on how we expressed ourselves and we were supposed to bring some things that we made, or cooked or read...etc

I picked up Joyce and Lynn and we took our  things to the church. 

We sat with Carol and Carrie. 

I displayed my diamond art, my painted pumpkin family, my blown glass pumpkin and the two cards I just made. 

It was a fun evening. There are some talented ladies in our ward. After we played a game and listened to Katie Rice (for way too long) we got to eat some snacks. I got a lot of compliments on my diamond art and my cream puffs. lol It was nice. I took the ladies home and then went home to bed . 

Tony subbed at the temple  for Brother Cruthers. SO, Lynn, Joyce and Lona rode to the temple with us. The four of us did an endowment and then we went up to do sealings. Peter (Lona's husband) joined us. After we finished the session, they left and I went down and di Initiatory.

I finished the day, doing another endowment. I changed my clothes and then went to the office and got the cards that I needed to pick up. Then I went out and took some pictures.

It was a beautiful day!! The temperature was wonderful today! 
It's cooling off nicely!

This is a different view that I never take.

And looking back from the view of the temple that I just showed. I tell ya, there is not a view there that is not absolutely beautiful. After we left th4 temple, Tony took me to Chick Fil A for dinner. We hurried home because I'd put some things on MARKETPLACE and a lady was coming at 5 to look at my Halloween Cake plate. We got home and I got a text from her asking if I was home. I said yes and waited......then get a text from her saying she'd found what she wanted at Home Goods. SO, I haven't sold a thing yet. Hope that changes.  It was a GREAT DAY!~

Monday, September 30, 2024


Saturday morning, we were back serving our shift and Lubov is coming with us again. We were officiators for the 10 am session so we didn't get released till 11:30. We thought she would be waiting in the main waiting room for us but she was not. I finally went to see if she was able to get into Initiatory and she was allowed to even though she didn't have an appointment. So we waited for her instead of her waiting for us. lol 

She LOVE'S to get her picture taken after each time she serves. She a poser! It's always so funny to watch her 
We got home and changed our clothes, ate some leftover lunch and then Tony took me to "Cold Stone Creamery". He wanted ice-cream. I got my Strawberry Mango Smoothie! Mmmmm When we got home, Tony helped me get down all my Fall/Halloween tubs. I went through them, took out what I wanted and boxed what I didn't want anymore. I sent  pictures to Traci to see if she wanted a "MICKEY MOUSE " Halloween  statue. She did, as well as a couple of other items I had. Then when Michelle, Stillman and Jaden came to pick Tony up for the BSU game, I asked Mischelle if she wanted the box of Halloween items. She did and took the box. YAY!! 

Tony took off with the kids to watch the game and WOW, 
what a game!!
I would check into my phone now and again and check the score and they were doing great! I watched SING 2 and made cards and then I went to bed and read my book. I didn't wait up because I'd been up since 4:30. I knew they won so I slept GREAT! 

Saturday was a busy day for two of our grandkids. Scotlyn and her friend Porter went to Prom. 

And Andrew and his friend (I don't know her name) also went to prom. I can't believe these kids are old enough to date. 
Man, do I feel old!! Sunday morning, we went to church. It was 5th Sunday. I am so excited!! They told us that we are getting a 
"LIGHT THE WORLD"  machine this November and December. We will have to man it. Well, all the Stakes around here will take turns. It is quite an honor to get it. They mostly put them in BIG Cities, like New York, Chicago etc. Can't wait to see how it goes! After church, we went to Joyce's for dinner. Then we came to our house because they watch to watch a program. We turned on COME FOLLOW UP and soon after it started........

Lynn fell asleep......

Joyce fell asleep and Tony was behind us snoring like crazy!! lol
Lynn woke up and one point and wanted to play cards but Tony wasn't interested (too tired because from his late Saturday night) and Joyce wasn't interested and either was I. She gave up and settled back into her chair. I had to leave at 3:30 for a Stake Relief Society training meeting so the sisters were gone when I got home. We found out that Anna had an accident on her bike competition on Saturday in McCall and had a concussion. We went over to see her when I got home from my meeting.  She seemed good. She had some scrapes and bruises but was in good spirits. 

Tammy gave me this picture of little Tony. He spent his birthday money that we gave him for this "SUPER HUGE FRITTER" and 2 slices of pizza!!  I was amazed!!  That boy can eat!!
We came home and Traci came over and picked up her Halloween decor. It was fun to see her. I don't get to see her much!
We got up this morning (Monday) and I went to the hospital to get my labs done for my kidney appointment next week.  Then we went to the gym. Did our workout and then came home to yardwork!
Had to take a picture of my front porch with my witches and pumpkins! LOL  
Happy Halloween!!

I got the front and back lawn's mowed and then I took some pictures of my flowers. It won't be long and they will be gone.

Still pretty for now!

This one even had a few flowers left. Not for long!!

Even my Mara plant is about to give it up 

Kinda makes me a little sad, but I know they'll be back next year!!
I finished my work and came in and was resting a bit and then the doorbell rang. It was Lubov. She needed me to take her to Costo so she could get her glasses fixed. I did. I thought we would be there for a few minutes BUT, she decided to look for new glasses as well. So after she picked out a new pair of frames, they told her that her perscription was expired so she had to get an eye exam. I walked around for a while, called Tony and asked him if he needed anything at Costco.....he told me to pick up his prescription. I did. I ate some samples and waited and waited. Finally, she was done and getting the order made. Then she had to come back to my house and call her Eye Insurance to get them some paperwork so she can get reimbursed. She asked me to do the talking but the lady wouldn't talk to me so they got a gal on the line who could talk Russian. It took a while but finally around 5 or so, she left. Tony and I ate dinner. I just made a pizza (from a box. lol) and then showered and got ready to watch the voice. While we were watching it, Chabuka Bishop came over and gave me a birthday card and a bag of candy! How sweet was that!! She is in our ward and from Venezuela. Her English is getting better all the time and I'm not sure why she chose to give me a birthday present but it was so sweet (literally lol) and I felt loved.