Monday, February 15, 2010


Since I wasn't feeling good on Saturday and Sunday, I spent most of the day reading. Either in bed or sitting in the recliner (so I could snooze in between) ............
I finished C.S. Lewis's book "Till We Have Faces" for book club this month.
It's interesting and I guess I liked it OK but it was different.
I finished "The Undaunted" and I loved this book. It makes me want to go south and really check out the territory these Saints covered when they made this trek. It was incredible what they did.
Then I started reading this last night. Caden has read them all and he keeps telling me he likes them better than "Harry Potter" so I thought I'd give them a go. So far I'd have to say it is definitely a good book! I'm not ready to say they are better than "Harry Potter" but they are definitely a good read!!


Heather said...

Doesn't it feel great to finish books and get in some reading!? I know that when I take the time and read I always realize how much I enjoy it, and how I wish I had more time to do it! :0)

Curtis and Deedra said...

Ditto to what Heather said. I have found that I actually do enjoy reading. I just never got into it very much. I guess I always preferred the movies but that's what happens when you live with my dad ;)

Stillman and Michelle said...

Oh good I was wondering about Undaunted and Lightning thief.

The Haucks said...

I am right there with you on the Lightning Thief... It was a good book and I am starting to read the whole series but I cannot say they are better than the Harry Potter series! Sometimes being sick is okay in that it lets you catch up on all your TV or reading! :)