Saturday, March 20, 2010


It was a short night BUT well worth it!

Traci called me around 10:30 Friday night. I'd just got back from my friends house and was working on the binding for a baby blanket. She asked me if I wanted to go grocery shopping with her on Saturday morning. She had lots of doubler's and she knows how to use them so I said


I was planning on sleeping in this morning but I couldn't pass up this deal so I got up at 7AM and cleaned up a bit and headed for Kuna. I met her at the house cuz I wanted to see the progress.

She's got the kitchen cabinets in and they are sure nice. They are a bit darker than the floor but they bring out the darker pieces in the floor and it looks great! This is the little cubby in kinda of a corner and it will have granite on top in another week.

The microwave and sink will be in this part and of course, more granite!

The dishwasher and double oven will be here.
And of course the bannister was all wood previously and now it is a combination of wood and iron and it looks awesome!
This is gonna be so much better than before! Very lovely!

After looking at the house, we loaded up Isabel and Andrew and headed to Boise to the ProPeople office to print off coupons. Isabel entertained Andrew while we turned on 5 computers and downloaded the coupons we needed.

During our shopping spree, Andrew found the sunglasses display and tried some on! I got a picture of his snotty nose and dirty face and he still looked adorable! lol

He loved the automatic carts and I'm sure if he'd been able to get it going we'd still be there!

By the end of the shopping trip he was getting a little tired. We hit 3 Albertsons in downtown Boise. Traci and Jason just bought a new Suburban (well new to them) but it's really nice! I meant to take a picture of the outside of it but I forgot to!

I was just too excited about my shopping deals!!!
20 cans of frozen juice, 5 boxes of crystal light, 4 boxes of Colgate toothpaste, 3 Suave deoderants, 3 bags of taco chips, 1 jar of nacho cheese dip, 3 boxes of saltine crackers, 6 boxes of cereal and 3 bottles of Loreal liquid makeup !!!

ALL FOR JUST UNDER $25.00 !! One bottle of the makeup ALONE was $14.95!!
MAN! I love to get deals like that!!


Heather said...

I was wondering about the What happened to the van? The house is looking great- she'll have lots more cabinet space it looks like! And granite tops- way nice. She is good at couponing - wish I could get into it!

Unknown said...

Yeah!!! Great deals, and a beautiful reconstruction... wow. Nice!!! :)