Saturday, May 22, 2010


Saturday, 6:45 AM is way tooooo early to have to get up ....................

BUT, I did just so I could kidnap a Laurel and take her to the church for Breakfast and a welcome into Relief Society partae!!

I picked up Ivie Stucki and when her mother woke her up she looked at me like ...
"ARE YOU CRAZY ??" Anyway, it was very nice and the girls had a good time. The Relief Society President from the singles ward and her 1st counselor were there as well as our dear Bishop Glaettli. We had a wonderful breakfast of Quiche, biscuits and fresh fruit!

We were able to kidnap 5 Laurels and here they are ! Recognize any of them??

I thought they all looked pretty darn good for being pulled out of bed. They were all in their pajama's, no makeup ...... but when your 18 you can pull it off!

After breakfast, some of us stayed to clean the church. Debbie Edge and myself cleaned the kitchen ..... top to bottom, fridge, ovens, floors, the whole enchilada!!!

After that was done, I took Ivie and her little sister and brother home and then I went home and got ready for my date with the outlaw!!

I met Larry and Zella Hendricks at the theater to watch the New ROBIN HOOD movie!

It was different from the others I've seen but I did like it. A little like Brave Heart but it had some light moments too.

Now, it's raining and I'm home and ready for a nap! I'm tired!

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