Thursday, July 29, 2010


I was invited to dinner last night at Jill's parents in Boise. I wanted to see the kids again because they leave today (Friday) for Utah and then home. I was also fortunate enough to help celebrate with them. It was Jill's grandmother's 100th birthday so she was there and my, what a beautiful young lady!
She is awesome!

Carlos made his famous BBQ Salmon. There was steak (I think) too as well as rolls, 2 AWESOME salads and a rice pilaf! Sooooo delicious! They could open a 5 Star restaurant! It was such a great dinner! Thank you Mary and Carlos!

They have a beautiful patio and yard so we enjoyed eating and visiting there.

Mostyn was telling Scotlyn a story and she was busy blowing bubbles! Hawk was putting together magnetic toys and Jill was chillaxin! lol
Dakota is the young man with the smile on his face! Scotlyn would go stand in front of him and he would stare at her and she would run off laughing! Then she's say "watch this" and run back to Dakota .... stare at him and then run off laughing again! It was so cute! What a personality!

Claire is now putting the magnetic toys together! (I need to find some of those)

Now, they are both putting them together! GREAT TOYS!!

Hawk, enjoying a Popsicle after dinner!

Mmmmmm, yummy!

Right to the last cold bite!

And Scotlyn got a fudge sickle! She's not quite as conscientious about getting it all in her mouth as Hawkins is! lol

But it makes for a good lipstick!

LOL ..... see what I mean! Man, she looks like JILL!! (Not that Jill had fudge all over her !)

The bubble game was so entertaining!

Mostyn would try and pop them as she blew them onto the little table and Scotlyn thought it was such a hoot!

I miss these kids! Sure wish we all lived closer but it makes for GREAT visits when we do get to see them.

Oh , and after dinner I said my goodbyes to the kids and Jill and I went to "ECLIPSE". She hadn't seen it and I was up for going again!
(duh .... that doesn't take a rocket scientist! )

I think I enjoyed it more the 2nd time ..... and that's saying a lot cuz I loved it the 1st!


CPTA said...

very cute pics! neat that jill got to go back home. scotlyn is still as cute as ever! glad you were able to celebrate with them!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Scotlyn is such a cutie. Wish I could have seen more of them. Even when we got together at the park we were all off in different directions with our kids. Oh well.
Can't wait to see Eclipse with Curtis!

Christa said...

Love those pictures of the kids! I can't believe how much they have all changed since we last saw them :) Glad you got to enjoy some time with them!

Mary said...

So glad you could join us for dinner. We went swimming at my niece's when you and Jill went to the movie. Scotlyn was busy flirting with Dakota all evening. It was really funny. She is such a hoot. I really miss them.