Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I WAS LATE ........:(

Tony got home from Iraq on Monday afternoon. I told Art and Lynn I would pick them up and they could ride with me to the airport. A lot of the kids were going to meet us there. He was delayed 20 minutes in S.L.C. so I called all the kids and informed them.

Art must have decided that meant he could work at the Caldwell Blvd. property longer because when I got to their house to pick them up ........ Art was still gone!

Lynn called him and asked him if he was on his way and he said he'd be home shortly~!

Consequently, shortly still takes time and even with my lead foot ........ Tony got to the airport before me ..... Luckily, Stillman and Michelle and kids were there along with Deedra and Curtis and family and Colby, Krista and Nephi!

Corny picture but we HAVE TO WORK WITH WHAT WE GOT!

We thought it was funny that Stillman and his dad were in the same shirts!~ They meant to do that! ha ha

It has been a great 3 days so far! Monday, we did some shopping for some things Tony needs to take back with him.

Tuesday he slept in till 11AM and then was still so tired, he laid around on the couch dozing in and out till 4PM. We then drove to Boise and went to a movie with Colby and Krista and Deedra and Curtis.

Wed. he went to the Dr. to have his knee checked and then we had Art and Lynn and Bob and Joyce over for a BBQ and a visit. We played Uno and now we are packing for our trip to California. We leave in the morning at 6AM!

It may sound boring to you but just having him home is a GREAT feeling! I'M HAPPY!
Will post next week!


Heather said...

I spy grandma and grandpa berezay! Tell them hi for me! :0) Have fun in Cali. Be safe. Glad you are having sooooooo much fun!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Better late than never right? And yes, I agree that just having them home and doing simple things is just GREAT! Have fun in California!

Stillman and Michelle said...

We made sure to hold him at that gate until you got there. Stillman said he was on strict instruction not to let him move.