Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday after church, Tony and I went over to Mom and Dad Norton's home to have dinner with Deb and Diane, Robin and Danae. We had a lot of leftover's from the big bash on Saturday so we enjoyed having a meal with them before they took off for Utah.

Got some nice family shots before they left. It was good to see them again.

Here's the family! I love them all so much (but particularly the one in the middle)!! lol
Stillman and Michelle and the boys showed up just as they were getting ready to leave so we had them take the family picture and then we got one with them.
After our Utah family left for home and as the day progressed, Deedra and Curtis came over, and then Tammy. Chris and Katelynn came a wee bit later and then Colby and Christa. We all enjoyed eating left overs (several times throughout the evening) and we played several rousing games of UNO. It was a fun night!
We left around 8:30. I had to cut Tony's hair before bed and he had to pack up. We didn't get to bed till midnight so it was a full day and we were both dead tired!
This Monday (the 23rd) came way to quickly! Tony and I loaded up his things and then went to I HOP for breakfast before heading to the airport. We were met by Mom and Dad and Krista and Nephi!
Krista took a picture of the 4 of us.

I asked a young lady who was sitting by us if she would take a picture of the six of us!
It was a lot harder saying goodbye this time. I was more emotional than last March but I will be OK. I sure love and appreciate Tony so much! Besides having all the fun of going to California and visiting with family and friends and going to movies and eating out and having parties, he helped me with a lot of yard work while he was here. I hope he gets rested up in Baghdad before he has to fly into Mosul to start work! He's gonna need it!
After saying goodbye, I headed for the Veterans Cemetery on Hill road for the grave side portion of Keith Robinson's funeral. Tony and I home taught him and his family.
He had served in the Navy. We wanted to attend his funeral but it was at 10AM this morning and we didn't know if we would have time with Tony having to report in two hours early and all.
As it was, we probably could have made it but we played it safe and left for the airport at 10:30.
The service was so nice. They had a man playing taps as well as Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and it was hard not to cry!

The sight was very nice and the cemetery is beautiful. Art had spoken at the funeral and Bob Haverfield gave the prayer at the service to dedicate the grave.

This is Kim, her mother Glenda (wife of Keith) and their good friend from Pocatello.
After leaving the cemetery, I came home to clean my house, do my laundry and mow my lawn. (Trying to take my mind off my hubby leaving) It has been a wonderful two weeks and now I've got to get back to reality. Back to work tomorrow morning so better get to bed.
(Tony called me from Georgia tonight. Just getting ready to board for the long flight to Dubai


Heather said...

Sorry it had to come to an end :0( If you need to come to UT to take your mind off Tony, I have lots of projects I need help with, and I WILL put you to work :0) You two sure pack a lot in in two weeks!

Curtis and Deedra said...

Yeah, that 2 weeks went by really quick. I always felt like it was a dream when Curtis had to go back. It didn't seem like he was really there when I was without him for so long.
I'm so excited for you guys and the goal you'll be accomplishing with him being there. It will be AWESOME!