Sunday, August 8, 2010


I had a GREAT week! It was very busy but it was G.R.E.A.T.!

1ST off I was surprised by Heather. She called me on Tuesday and said she & Rowan were coming for her High School Class class reunion . I was so happy to see this little tyke again!
Rowan's almost two! Next month is OUR birthday! ha ha (I'm far from two however but I'm happy to share the day with Rowan)
This was the extent of Heather's class reunion! While all the other Borah graduates got together for some rowdy partying, Heather and her best friends had a BBQ in the backyard. SMART MOVE!!

Heather had made two little quilts so she brought them for me to bind! She's getting pretty good putting the quilts together but we need some lessons on binding .......which we did!

Thursday night when I got home from work, we went to TOY STORY 3! I was given a free ticket from a gal in my ward so we decided to see if Rowan would sit through it!

He LOVES Toy Story (the original) and must have watched it 20 times while he was here this week. Each time it would start, he would clap his hands and say "Yay!"
He did awesome!! Sat on his mommy's lap and watched the entire movie! I was happy to be with him at his 1st theater movie experience!

Friday evening, Traci and the kids came over and Andrew showed us his new cast! He broke his leg on vacation. He's not suppose to walk on it but ya can't keep a little guy down and he's all over the place on it!
After Traci and the kids left, Heather wanted to make cards so we put Rowan to bed and got out the card making supplies. Around 9:30 PM, I get a call from Jeff and he asked if I was up for some company! He and Christa had planned on going camping but there had been a fire in Bend Oregon and it was very smokey so they decided to come to Boise.
I was TOM BODET and told them "I'd leave the light on" lol................
They showed up at 5AM Saturday morning, came in, went to bed and got up at 9AM and then Jeff, Christa, Heather and Rowan all went to Lucky Peak with Traci and Jason and family for a day of water skiing. They invited me along but I had to decline. I had a ton of yard work to get done before Tony comes home on Monday.
Saturday afternoon at 4:30, I went to Curtis and Deedra's for the open house to welcome Curtis home from Iraq! A lot of the Butterfields were there as well as Stillman and Michelle.

Haven't seen a smile like that on Deedra in a long time! Ha ha, just kidding but I know she's thrilled to have Curtis home!

Some of the guys enjoying finger foods!

Cute little Jack playing with my camera case!

Deedra, Celeste and Shawna.
I left around 5:30 or so because I needed to fill my car up with gas and Costco closes at 6PM.
I got a call from Jeff a little after 6 and he said the girls were on the way to the house to change and then we were going to meet Jason and the kids at Primo's for dinner.
Christa, Isabel, Sophia and Heather just before dinner.

And Rowan watching Buzz for the buzzillionth time ...... lol before dinner!

Filling our faces ...... literally! I love the look on Jeff's face !

After saying our goodbyes to Jason and the kids we went back home. Jeff was exhausted, sun burned and sore! We had to let Rowan watch ........ can you guess??
Toy Story, before putting him to bed! Thankfully enough, he was ready for bed in about 10 minutes. The sun and water wore him out too!
We enjoyed visiting and watching "Clash of the Titans" before turning in.
Sunday morning, Christa got up early and headed into Boise to see her mom and sister. I stayed home from church and visited with Heather and Jeff and then Heather left for home about 9:30.

Saying her goodbyes to Jeff ...................

And then around 1:30 in the afternoon Jeff and Christa headed for the coast. It was a very short visit but it was so good to see them again!
NOW, I'm getting anxious to go to the airport tomorrow and pick up my honey! Tony flies in tomorrow and arrives at 12:20 so anyone wanting to meet us at the airport is welcome!


Heather said...

It was fun mom. Thanks for letting us crash at your house on such short notice! I promise to try and bind my quilt next time! :0) Rowan sure has fun at your house- thanks for letting him run wild and watch Toy Story all week! We love you and are looking forward to the 23rd of September!

ChrisandTamara said...

What fun to have 2 surprise visits. Glad you had a great week.

Christa said...

Thank you SOOOOOO much again for letting us stay with you :) It was alot of fun to see everyone - even better that we came and Heather and Rowan were visiting :) I bet you're enjoying every single minute of Tony right now, I hope you guys have a wonderful time together!!!

Nicole S said...

That was so very sweet of you to say. Not sure I deserve that compliment, but thank you. You have a very beautiful family. The pictures show alot of love. How nice to have so many people to surround you that way...and how nice of you to help bind the quilt...those things can take forever!!!