Sunday, September 12, 2010


I guess I'm gonna have to start scoping out Tony's email while I'm at home cuz I missed the cancellation email from Melissa about Alivia's birthday celebration. (oops!)
They have all been sick so she sent out an email telling us the party would be next Sunday!
I showed up on their doorstep this evening and Nate told me to come on in but to beware I may get ill!
Time will tell~ I did enjoy seeing the kids, Nate, Becky and Gramma Pam. Melissa was taking a bath so I missed her,
Tony and I gave Livvie a Lambskin leather coat (I got a Killer Deal on this ..... FREE)
It was a wee bit big on her but I'm sure she'll get lots of use out of itShe looked so cute modeling it for us!

Here she is showing me her new scooter! Tassells and all!

Big sister Ellie was pushing her around the house on it. Pretty good when you can get two on a scooter! Awhhhhh, to be little again!
It was fun to celebrate with her today and guess we'll do a repeat next Sunday with you all! lol

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