Wednesday, October 20, 2010


OK, I saw these at the Hobby Center and I really liked them so I did my own ....
I didn't put the faces on them and I still need to sand the sides a bit to rough them up and then I need to speckle them a bit but I like them A LOT!! I was thinking that I could use them for Halloween AND Thanksgiving if they didn't have the faces.Then I thought I could still put the faces on once side and use that at Halloween and then turn them to the plain side for Thanksgiving. What do ya think??


Jeremy and Brigitte said...

I think the ones you made are even cuter than the ones at the store! I would do the faces on one side and leave the other side blank for thanksgiving and early fall. Good Job!

Curtis and Deedra said...

I think that's a great idea! Very cute, I love them!

Vernie and Tony said...

Thanks gals! I guess I'll finish them then and put faces on the other side! lol

Christa said...

you're so creative :)

Stillman and Michelle said...


CPTA said...

those ARE very cute! I have yet to go get some felt for my felt toys, but I'll get on that soon! I guess it's too late for Halloween felt pumpkins! oooh maybe a felt tree and ornaments for the kids! =)

Good job! I may just try those out next year!

Unknown said...

Adorable!!! :) And the turning-around is a great idea - it'll keep them relevant longer, which is always nice when you invest time & $ into something! ;) Hope the project's been going well for you! :)

ChrisandTamara said...

Very Cute!!!! I say double sided.