Friday, October 29, 2010


Traci did such a great job last year with the party for her work crew ...............So they asked her to host it again! She's sooooo lucky to have the use of this facility! I would do one every year if I had a place like this!!
Sophia was a Candy Corn Witch and Caden was Percy Jackson from Camp Half blood!
Isabel was an ice cream cone but Traci didn't have time to finish her head piece but it was still really cute!

Andrew was a BSU Football player!! (With a Binky???) lol

Traci was Jack Sparrow (gone blonde) and Jason was a tourist. (I told him he looked like the Muggle from our Harry Potter Potter! lol )

I was a clown .....

Jason and his dad!

Percy and his lighting bolt! He's a Demigod in training!

Sophia and her friend!

Me and Sophia! (Check out them shoes!!) You outta try walkin a mile in my shoes! I finally left at 8:15. I was tired of trying to get around in them babies and I wanted to wash my face soooooo bad!

This is a picture of the kids running from place to place on a treasure hunt!

When they finally found the treasure chest ...... Jack and her counter part handed out the goodies to the chitlins!

They had a couple of pinata's. This is Andrew trying his best to whack it!
It was still going strong when I left but this ole lady couldn't take any more! (Besides, my Honey was going to call me and I wanted to be able to hear him)
Happy Halloween ya all!

1 comment:

CPTA said...

very cute party! everyone looked great! it was so nice to hear the kids over the phone.