Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Thought I was gonna have my work cut out for me watching Tristan and 2 dogs while mommy and daddy were at the hospital having little Ari!! WRONG!!
It was a piece of cake and total enjoyment!!
Tristan is on a schedule and he sticks to it !! He was a delight! He is so mild mannered and sweet!
I only had to know three commands for the dogs ... "Outside" then they obviously go outside ....
"Inside" and they go to their kennel ..... and "Bed" and they go to a corner in the living room that has 4 cushioned squares and they lay there.
Tristan started saying his 1st word (other than ma ma and da da) while I was there. He would point at the dogs and say "sit". It was so darn cute!!
He and I would walk every day. I'd put him in his stroller and we'd walk out of the neighborhood to the gas station and back again. Then we'd go up and down the streets in their neighborhood and to the park to swing!

He is such a good eater! I was amazed at his appetite and the variety of foods he eats! He didn't blow food on me or stick his hands in his mouth and get food everywhere! It was so fun to feed him!!
We got to go up to the hospital on Friday night and they let me go back to the nursery to hold Ariana for 5 minutes! It was so awsome!! She had to be under the lights (because of her jaundice) so they had a little headpiece to cover her eyes! It was so adorable! I loved the one finger in her mouth!

I forget how tiny these little people are until I get to hold them!
What a beautiful miracle!!

There was a big Santa and a mean looking elf in the hospital so I had to take Tristans picture with Santa! He didn't look too impressed! lol

It was so interesting to see all the Christmas decorations on the homes and then to see the lawns being watered! Christmas in Laredo is definitely warmer than Christmas in Idaho! But I loved being able to go and welcome little Ari into this world and to stay with her big brother while she and her parents were busy with the birth!

Thank you Chris and Princess for a Wonderful Week! I love you and the two little ones! Merry Christmas!


Heather said...

I am glad you had such a good time. You are a wonderful mom and grandma! Lucky for me I do plan to have more kids- well, at least one more- so I can get you down here to be my saving grace again! :0) LOVE the picture of you and Tristan w/ Santa. You look GREAT! Really. Your hair looks cute, and it looks like you are keeping the weight off! LOOKING HOT!

CPTA said...

Love the pictures Mom thank-you! We had such a great time with you too! I know Tristan had a blast as well. Ariana Loved being held by her grandma. We love you!

ChrisandTamara said...

So glad you had a great time! I've been waiting for a post on your trip. The kids are so cute! Little Ariana is so cute! Congrats to Chris and Princess!