Saturday, January 1, 2011

2 BAPTISMS ON 1/1/11

Well, we started the 1st day of 2011 off on the right foot with 2 of our granddaughters getting baptized!
Ellie was baptized at 10AM this morning by her father Nathan.
It was very nice and the Stake house was packed! Ellie had a big family turnout with most of her Aunts and Uncles and cousins as well as her grandparents, great grandparents and Aunt Becky. It was awesome! After her confirmation we got some family pictures and Nate's mother brought a lovely plate of cookies. It was a great way to start the day.

Then at 4 PM in the afternoon, Isabel was baptized in Kuna by her father Jason. It was fun to see how differently the programs went but both were very special!

They highlighted each child in Isabel's group and told a little bit about them (from previously asking them questions) Isabel : favorite color ~ purple (most of the kids said blue)
Favorite church story ~ Likes them all
What do you have a testimony of ~ Families can be together forever
How do you know Heavenly Father loves you ~ Because I'm good!
It was so cute to hear the different answers the kids gave! I got a tear in my eye when they told about Belle!
Afterwards, Traci had Mom and Dad Norton and me over for dinner. Her Dad brought Prime Rib and Traci and I had put in baked potatoes before we went to the church. It was a big dinner party including Traci, Jason and the 4 kids. Art and Lynn and myself, Gordon and Ala, and Ann, Dan and Ben. The meal was very good and we all had a good visit.
All in all it was a lovely day and 2 of our sweethearts are now members of the True Church!
It doesn't get any better than that!


CPTA said...

That's awesome! Sounds wonderful! I think we're going to have tese two baptised the same day. Tristan may have to wait awhile. (is that ok?) hehe

Heather said...

Cool. Sounds nice. Glad dad and Alla made it out- it was at Traci's house, right?