Friday, March 18, 2011


It was Lynn's birthday on Wednesday and so she invited her sisters and brother and their spouses over for dinner this evening! (We should have cooked for her ... oops!)
Anyway, she invited me as well and I never turn down a meal! lol It was nice to see all of them and we had a wonderful meal of enchiladas ! They were so good! The kind with the fried egg on top! Mmmmmm yummy!
Joyce had made a wonderful sponge cake and we had whipped cream and fresh strawberries on top for dessert. It was a lovely evening but I had to break up the party at 8:05 cuz I wanted to get home so I could Skype with my hubby! (Can't miss that!!!)

Anyway, before I left, I asked if I could take a picture of the family!
Mom had her eyes shut in this one.
So I took another!!
The 3 sisters, their little brother and their spouses! Nice!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a neat picture! That's definitely one for the scrapbooks! :)