Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This past weekend, I took 5 Laurels down to the Young Women's conference in SLC. The Bishop and the Young Men's President were the only men and my 2nd counselor and the Personal Progress mentor were there as well to help me manage 5 young ladies! I'll tell all about that on my PP blog. After they all left on Sunday, I drove to Layton to spend a few days with Heather and family. When I got there, they were just leaving for church. I had a Sacrament service with the YW and the Bishop so I told Heather I would take a nap while they were gone, as the YW wore me out!!! lol I had a Valentine Box that had Buzz light year on it and I know how much Rowan loves Buzz so I gave it to him and he was thrilled ...... so much so that it went to church with him .....oops! While they were gone, I went out to my car to get my phone charger as my phone was dead. When I went to go back in, the door was locked so I ended up napping in my car until they returned from church. No big deal! It was sunny and nice and I was tired so I slept just fine! When they got home, Heather made Hawaiian Hay stacks for dinner.
She used those cute bowls that Scott and Jill gave her for a wedding gift! I love them!! I'm still trying to find some. Soooooo cute!! Oh, and the haystacks were delicious!!! lol

We figured that Rowan must have caught something at church because he was very docile Sunday evening and all of Monday. He slept A LOT!! Not usual for Rowan! Love the way he puts his hands behind his head when he sleeps!!
Monday when Heather and I made a run to the grocery store, he passed out again! Poor baby! (Notice he has his Valentine box .....score! lol) When we went to leave, we discovered my car battery was dead! I didn't start my car when I slept in it but I had reclined the seat and I don't know if that was what drained the battery but it was dead as a door nail!! Anyway, we took Heather's car and Jon walked to work.
I helped Heather finish the two little quilts that she had started. One for her Japan Auction and one for Rowan! It was fun to be a small part of her Humanitarian Service. My friend Tammy (she lives in Heather's neighborhood) came over to visit and she donated a cute flannel baby blanket as well. Heather has raised $315 dollars so far for the Japanese people. I am so proud of her!!!

Tuesday, we drove to Costco so I could purchase a battery for my car. Rowan was not excited about being in the car so we stopped on the way home at the duck park and he had a wonderful time feeding the ducks!
They don't seem to scare him at all and he was upset when we ran out of bread!!

As you can see, there are a lot of Seagulls that inhabit the duck pond as well! They were very aggressive and got a lot more than the ducks!! boo
We went to the playground to appease Rowan when we ran out of bread!! He loves to be out doors!!
He climbed up on the playground equipment and was having a great time and then........
He went down a slide and there happened to be a BIG puddle of water at the bottom so Rowan got his pants soaking wet. We had to take them off, wrap him in his blanket and head home. He was not happy!! :(
Here's Heather with the blanket for Rowan after I finished binding it.
And here's Rowan wrapped up in it and watching TV! Notice the "Love MOMMY " embroidered in the corner. She claims that Rowan is gonna be taking this quilt with him when he heads off to college! lol
Saying goodbye and getting ready to head home!
I sure enjoyed my short stay with the kids and was happy to help out ..........what little I did!


Unknown said...

Awesome!!! :) I'm so glad you had such a wonderful visit - even if it had to be briefer than any of you would like. It looks like you had so much fun! :) And those blankets are adorable! :)

I think my favorite pic is the one of Mr. Rowan, all pants-less, headed home in his coat - it's such a classic kid moment, LOL! :) Hope he's feeling better soon, and I'm glad you had such a wonderful time visiting! :)

Heather said...

Oh mom you helped out a TON! I can't finish quilts without ya! (Unless I take the easy way out with the binding!) We love having you in our home. Thanks for treating us so good. We love you and look forward to possibly seeing you again in a few months!

Jill and Scott said...

Looks like you had a great time! I love those bowls! Wish I had gotten some for myself! That is a great picture of you and Heather too!