Sunday, April 24, 2011



I wanted to see my McGregor grand kids for Easter so I went out on Friday evening after work and gave them their Easter goodies! Caden was on a Scout camp out with his dad so I missed him but was able to spend a little time with the other three! They loved the malted eggs and immediately taught Andrew how to apply the color! lol

Sophia has the pucker down pat!! Andrew struggled a bit! lol

It was fun to see the kids. The girls and their mother were going to do some sewing after Traci mowed the yard.

Isabel and her blue smile. Looks like some of that lovely color got on her teeth too! LOL


Andrew wanted a closeup! He was so funny! I'm sure he was on a sugar high when I left and his mom was probably ready to string me up!!


We had a lovely Stake Conference today It was a broadcast from Salt Lake. It was a beautiful service and I enjoyed it immensley.

Afterwards I came home and rested and listened to "The Kingdom and the Crown." It's a book on tape about the Savior which I borrowed from Art and Lynn. I'm on book two and it is marvelous!

At 4:15 or so this afternoon, I went to Art and Lynn's for Easter dinner. Curtis and Deedra were already there so we had a nice visit. Soon all the other kids came and we had a delicious ham dinner with all the fixins!

After dinner we opened the flood gates and let the kids out for an Easter egg hunt!

They had a great time filling their baskets with loot!
Then we lined them up against the fence and got pictures of the Norton/Butterfield/Cleaver kids!

I thought I had all 10 of them in this shot but low and behold I missed Jayden .....

Nikki and Ellie checkin to see if the eggs really contained something good!

Jack was pretty pleased with his haul too and I think he had a starburst in his mouth already!

Another shot with all 10 of the kids. Jayden coming back in from the left! lol

It was such a nice weekend! Can't wait till my bunny is home!

5 WEEKS!! and counting!


CPTA said...

I am so glad you were able to spend time with the other little ones! Chris was just telling me about the malted eggs and how him and his siblings used to apply "color" to their lips. ;) I've never seen them before! I guess I missed out!

Jill and Scott said...

Glad you had a good easter. Seeing all the kids together makes me home sick! They are all getting so big! Can't believe it! Only 5 more weeks!!! Hope it goes by fast for you!

Unknown said...

Awesome! :) Love the blue lips, LOL... that is so funny! And it was great to see you last night, too - we'll count down these 5 weeks with you! :)

Curtis and Deedra said...

Yeah, it was a nice weekend even if Nikki ended up getting sick. I'm sure these next 5 weeks are going to fly with how busy you are all the time ;)