Sunday, June 5, 2011


Tony and I drove down to Utah Friday afternoon to go to Sarah's baptism. We left around 1PM and got to the condo about 5:15. We had a nice meal with Mom and Dad Norton and then we went to Riverton to see Diane. We had a great visit with her and we invited her to go to the baptism with us on Saturday. She said she would so we made plans to pick her up at 9:15AM the next day. We then headed back to the condo and to bed.

Saturday morning we got up and got ready to go. It was a miracle we made it on time as we hit slow elevators, and every red light imaginable and Diane wasn't quite ready when we arrived ............but we made it !
Even in time to get a picture of Sarah and her daddy before the service started.

After the baptism, we went to Derek and Rachel's for a very nice luncheon. It was a full house with all the Norton's and the Glattlie's.

Colby, Krista and Nephi were the only kids of ours who made it down and I got them to pose
for a picture with Sarah.

I took pictures of everyone at Derek's so I could put a baptism book together for Sarah. I missed getting a picture of her Gramma Marsha and her Great Grandmother Lavon because I thought they would be coming to the luncheon and they did not. I felt bad!

Here's Sarah with her cousins Danae and Alivia and her Great Aunts Diane and Debbie.

A lot of the kiddies in the playhouse (and I know I didn't get them all)

After the luncheon we visited for a while and then took off for Holiday to visit Darryl and Karla. They were busy getting their pool cleaned so I didn't get a picture of them. They were very busy so we didn't stay too long. Then we went to Costco and got a few things for dinner at Diane's. Jess was just flying back from a job in Texas so while Mom Norton and Diane cooked dinner, Tony and I drove to Sandy so I could see my sister Lorie and Dave and Amy. (I didn't get a picture of them either!) They had just got back from a run and so we visited with Lorie and Amy for about 45 minutes and then had to get to Riverton for dinner.

When Tony and I got back to Diane's, Jess was home so we ate and visited and had a great time. We headed back to the condo and watched a movie and then hit the sack.

Sunday, we went to church at the Joseph Smith Center. Craig C Christensen of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy was on the stand and M Russell Ballard was in the audience! AWESOME!!

After church we got our picture taken by the Joseph Smith statue and then did a little sight seeing on the Temple grounds.

Another couple was nice enough to take our picture and then we took theirs.

After we got back to the condo, we change, packed up and headed for Layton to see Heather and Jon and Rowan.

Heather had a lovely meal prepared for us. BBQ teriyaki chicken, corn on the cob, coconut rice and a wonderful salad! It was sooooooo good!

She made an apple crisp for dessert and Rowan enjoyed and ice cream cone!

It was a short visit but it sure tasted good!

A very busy weekend but it was great!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Wow, it was a busy weekend for you guys. And you're going to have another busy couple of weeks on vacation! Hope you have a great time!

Vernie and Tony said...

Thanks Deedra! We are so looking forward to some time together and relaxing and soaking up some sun and visiting the kids in the south!! EXCITED!! Love you

hapi said...

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