Saturday, August 27, 2011


Tony and I had a very busy but productive Saturday! We started off the day by doing service at the church. We'd signed up to clean the building so we got up at 7:30 and ate a quick bite and headed to the church. We both grabbed vacuums and hit the chapel and got it all done before heading down the hall on one side and doing all the classrooms. We only had to do a couple of more rooms on the other side of the building as someone else started on that side later. We then washed the door windows on one side of the building (and there are quite a few) and fortunately Brother Shiley and his children said they would do the opposite side of the building. After our service was finished, we went home to tackle the craft room.
Gotta get it finished!!!

I helped Tony place the cubicles in the position I wanted them and then in and then we began making the cuts needed and hauling up the desk tops. Tony nailed them in place. We had to take a bit of a break so we could prepare the Kahlua Pork Roasts that we were in charge of for the '"High Priest Group Party" which was held at 6PM Saturday evening.

After wards we got back to business while the smell of the delicious roasts tickled our nostrils! We cut the shelves and put them up. Tony had already got the brackets up earlier this week as well as the strip along the wall to hold up the back of the desk. After getting the desk top and brackets in place he put up the "Embellishment Center" and my ribbon holder ............. ignore Tony's radio on the shelf ....

There will be one more on the other side of the window as well but we are waiting for another shipment to come in!

After getting all in place, Tony caulked the back of the desk and the small nail holes. We both did the ends of the desk and shelves and now I will paint where it is needed but we couldn't do anymore because we had to go to the potluck activity! I had a hard time quitting!
ISN'T IS AWESOME? I will be putting things in place this coming week! Yehaw!! Can't wait to start working in it!

The activity was held in Art and Lynn's backyard. We invited the Elders and here they are shaking hand with everyone as they arrived.

We sat and waited while Tony shredded the meat. The women weren't really happy about my camera. When I told them I have to document my day, they said "Don't you have anything better to do?" Man, if they only knew!!

The dinner was fantastic! The Kahlua Pork was a BIG HIT! It always is! Sooooooo DELICIOUS!!

Brother Stuckki gave the activity a BIG THUMBS UP!!

We had a bout 35 people show up and ran out of chairs. They sat along the patio and didn't seem to mind at all. It was an enjoyable activity and a dang good dinner.
Tony and I left after a couple of hours and went home to chill and watch an episode of NCIS (our personal favorite!) bit before going to bed. We were wore out!

Today is going to be a busy Sunday. I have Ward Council at 9am, then Choir practice at 10:15 and we are sing in Sacrament which immediately follows. Then during the Sunday School hour, Tony and I have to run to the Stake house to renew our Temple Recommends. Then back to our building for Young Womens from 1 to 2PM. Then I have "Prepare The Way" with the youth from 3 to 4 and then a Presidency meeting from 4 to 5 or so at my house!
YIKES!! I thought Sunday was a day of rest! lol


George and June said...

love YOUR new room - wow - anxious to see all your projects - have fun

Curtis and Deedra said...

The room is looking great! I didn't expect it to go up so fast!

Christa said...

Busy lady! That is going to be an awesome craft room :)

Lucero said...

Hi Vernie, I'm a girl from Argentina (south america). I runned into your blog and i loved it ! Later I'll be asking you some tips......

Lucero said...

**I ran into your blog and loved it!