Thursday, September 8, 2011


I had Young Woman's last night and we were going to be doing some preparation for our
"Young Women in Excellence" which will be the 1st Wednesday in November. My 1st counselor and I had gone shopping on Tuesday to get the things we needed for making tissue flowers! (We will be using them for decoration!)
We had asked the girls to bring a shoe box as we are wrapping them in decorative paper!
I was afraid that we would be done too soon so after work yesterday, I went home and up to my new
"Craft Room" and cut out 30 cards and over 100 flowers with my Cricut Machine! They were to put on the cards so the girls could make Invitations for their parents!
I wanted it simple so they could do it quickly ......
I made a sample for them to look at so they could follow what I did ...... HOWEVER,
I got some like this ..... done backwards .... Oh well, original, right? lol

And we did get most of them done.....
All in all, they did a good job. I had 3 stations set up and an advisor at each one to assist. Some did flowers, some boxes and some cards and then after they were done with one station, they went to the next!
I was so glad I did it that way because it worked out perfectly! It was a fun night and we accomplished a lot.
I simply love my craft room and my
Cricut machine!

Saved my bacon last night!! I have to thank my
AWESOME HUSBAND again for making this room for me! I can actually do my work, find my things and keep the room clean !


Curtis and Deedra said...

Those cards are so cute! Sounds like fun!

Heather said...

totally awesome room. love it. when do i get one?? :0)

George and June said...

I guess I know where Tony will find you most of the time - what a great room - don't have too much fun!

CPTA said...

I know it's NOT good to be jealous of things... Envy.. hmmm... still doesn't sound good. But heck. I want a craft room too! I'll wait for my chance. Glad you're enjoying it mom! The cards look great! You want to make me a box of cards? =)

Stillman and Michelle said...

I don't think it was a good idea to tell me you have a cricut