Saturday, October 1, 2011


Tony and I got up Saturday and enjoyed the 1st Session of Conference before heading to the folks home to set the DVR to record the BSU game and then the 4 of us headed to Deedra's for Garretts 5th birthday party. His birthday was the 29th and Deedra was going to have us over on Friday night but Garrett got sick so she said if he was better on Saturday, she would do it between sessions.

Garrett was pretty excited to see us and ready to get started!!

Deedra made him a cute "UP" cake with cupcakes for the balloons! It was darling!

We turned out the lights and set up a number "5" candle and sang "Happy Birthday" to Garrett!

And then he started to tear into his gifts!! I made him a Hamburger Happy Meal out of felt! Fries and all! All three kids had a good time with it.

He got a "Spiderman" costume from his mommy and Daddy as well as some clothes and a bike!

Here he is with Great Gramma Norton ..... in his "Spidy Costume" eating (well pretending) a Hamburger ..................
And fries!!
Little Jack got a blue cupcake and wanted his picture taken before he devoured it!

Nikki played with the burger and fries and was willing to share them with everyone!

Nikki, Mom and Garrett and the "Evil Captain Surg" which was another gift from mom and dad.
And Nikki having yet ANOTHER burger! he he (ok, it was the same one!)

After the party, we took Mom and Dad Norton back home so they could rest before the 2nd session and then we went to Garrett's soccer game. Before leaving Mom took a picture of Tony and I in our matching BSU outfits! lol

He was happy to have us there and he did great!

They ALL did great and we did their FAVORITE thing that happens at the soccer games!
After the game, Tony and I drove back to his folks house to watch the 2nd session of conference and eat. I had made a crockpot full of Hamburger stew and Lynn had homemade whole wheat bread! Mmmmmmm! For dessert we had a plum/raspberry cobbler I had made with vanilla ice cream on top!
We settled down in for conference and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The speakers are always so inspired and know just what we all need!

After conference we watched the 1st half of the BSU game and I proudly showed my colors where my MOUTH IS!! lol

DO YOU LIKE ?? lol Tony and his dad went to the Priesthood session at 6PM so I had Tony take me home so I could put up some of my October decorations and read my book. I'm on the 2nd one of the "HUNGER GAMES" and I can't put it down either !!~ Tony and Dad went to the Stake house for the broadcast. He picked me up after it was over and we headed back to Art and Lynn's to watch the 2nd half of the BSU game! ................ YAY, we won!! We celebrated by playing UNO with mom and dad and Bob and Joyce and guess what??
I WON!! lol

It ended up being a pretty long and busy day but very very enjoyable!!

The Sunday Session of Conference was awesome! I truly felt uplifted and inspired and very Spiritually fed!! It was nice to relax at home and enjoy it with my husband.

I had been reading blogs on the Internet earlier in the week and saw a couple of recipes on a site that said these would be good for Conference Weekend!~ (obviously an LDS blog) So I tried them!
Mine don't look as pretty as her's did

This was a spinach salad made with strawberries, caramelized almonds, feta cheese and a homemade poppy seed dressing!
HONESTLY, I can't wait for tonight cuz we are having leftovers!!

Then I made a Roast Beef Manwich and it was to die for too! Tony loved it !! They were displayed on her blog much better than mine but the taste is what counts and both of these were DANG GOOD!!


CPTA said...

Nice pictures Mom! Especially loved the picture of your B&O Teeth! Garrett is getting SO big now! Happy birthday to him!

I'll need to try these recipes! Which reminds me, I need to share a few with you too! I think you guys will like them!

Love you

Curtis and Deedra said...

We are all, especially Garrett, grateful that you came to his party and his soccer game! I tell you what, ever since I had Dad take Garrett to his speech class he's been wanting to go with Grandpa more often. He wanted to come over so bad last night but Dad's seat belt is broken in the truck so he couldn't. He really needs a daddy figure right now with his own daddy being gone, so I really appreciate any time Garrett gets to spend with his grandpa! :)