Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Last night, Tony and I went with Deedra and the grand kids to see the
"Lighting of the Tree" in downtown Nampa!
Deedra took a picture of Tony and me with the kiddies before the festivities began!
There were Carolers singing and lots and lots of people milling around!!

Santa came on the Fire truck and he was handing out Candy Canes to the little ones!


FROM this ..................

TA DA!!! .................to this!!

It was a 42 year old tree that a man donated to the city
and it was BIG!!

We then got some pictures by the tree!

Deedra, Jack , Garrett and Nikki nestled under the tree!

Me and Tony, all warm and toasty in our BSU jackets!!

There were several businesses downtown that were open so we walked around and got free hot chocolate and cookies and then we went to the Historical Museum. I got a picture of the Butterfield's hitching a ride on the Polar Express! lol

Tony and me by the light pole outside the Museum!

Another shot of the tree before we left. It was a fun evening!
We then went back to our house and watched
"Shrek the Halls" and ate Deedra's zucchini bread. We were going to have hot chocolate too but we'd had enough liquids downtown with the free hot cocoa and hot cider at the museum! Thanks for the invite Deedra!
It was fun and neither Tony or myself have ever been to a tree lighting so that was a 1st!


Heather said...

Fun! I need to see about going to something like that here in Utah- we need to get out more!

Unknown said...

What a fun time! :) Hubby & I were talking about getting to one of those sorts of events soon, too - bet Kiddo would love it! :) Great pics!