Friday, February 10, 2012


Tonight after work, Tony and I had the Hendricks come over for dinner and a movie. They are a family we home teach and they are inactive. We get together with them occasionally and go out to dinner and to movies but tonight we decided to just have them over. Tony picked up a pizza on his way home and Zella brought a tossed salad.I made brownies and we had a very pleasant evening. We watched "COURAGEOUS" and it instigated some religious talk when it was over. It's a GREAT movie and I highly recommend it !

As, we were visiting Stillman called and asked if we were coming to the "Valentine" dance at the Stake house. Tony said he would have to twist my arm (which he did) and we tried to talk Larry and Zella into going with us but they declined and went home.

I didn't want to go because my shoulder and arm have been giving me so much trouble but we did and I'm glad we went. Stillman and Michelle taught some dances and Michelle and her mother Donna were taking pictures! They had a lot of adorable Valentine Props and so we got our picture done. (Photo to follow later when they are downloaded) It was well attended and people of ALL ages participated and danced! It was so much fun to sit and watch everyone. I told Tony that we will just have to learn to dance so we can join in the fun!

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