Friday, March 23, 2012


Friday night, Tony and I went out to Kuna to celebrate Andrew's 4th birthday with the family. His birthday wasn't actually till Sunday but Traci wanted to celebrate it while Jill and the kids were still in town. We were met at the door with his

It was a Cowboy theme and one of the games was
"Pin the Pick on the Goldmine!"

We were joined by Ann and Dan and Ben as well as Gavin and Jill and the two little kids.
Traci had ordered a "Jump House" for the kids so while we were outside watching them a bit I got a picture of Caden, Tony and Gavin.

We laughed at the stair step in height!! I'm sure soon, Caden will out height Tony! He is growing so fast!

Hawkins and Scotlyn were having a great time in the Jump House!

Andrew reluctantly let me take his picture before he went into the Jump House!

It was chilly out side so we went in for a dinner of Pizza, chips and dips as well as lots of veggies and then the Cake & Ice Cream! Andrew blew out the candles and we all helped clean up the food! lol

He was pretty thrilled with the Captain America toy he got from Grandpa and Grandma McGregor.

Sophia, Scotlyn and Isabel took a short breather so I could get a picture of the girls!

Again, reluctantly, I got Andrew to hold still long enough for Scotlyn to plant a BIRTHDAY KISS on his cheek!
Then all the COWBOYS & COWGIRLS posed for me!

I gave Andrew the Finding Waldo books .................... Caden and the girls liked them and Caden said he remembered his mom taking those books to church when he was little to keep him quiet! lol

Andrew polishing off the soda!! IF he can't have a
"MOUNTAIN CAN DO" then he'll settle for a diet coke! lol

Hawkins was hiding his bag of COWBOY TREATS under his hat !! Notice the bump near his right eye ..... He got nailed in the Jump House!

Jill and the kids were leaving Saturday morning to head back to Arizona. We were disappointed that we weren't able to see Claire and Mostyn but they were here on Spring Break to see there dad so hopefully this summer ......

We said our good byes at the car and then we both headed for home. (Love that face of Hawk's in the background!!
It was a fun time seeing the kids. We hadn't seen Traci and the kids since they got back from Disney World so that was nice to spend time with the two families!

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