Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Tony and I were privileged to be able to participate in our 1st ever Caucus on Tuesday night at the Idaho Center. We both got off work at 3:30. I hurried to Subway and picked us up a sandwich while Tony hurried home and showered. Deedra came over after dropping her kids off at Michele's home and the 3 of us took off to do our to do our civic duty!!

After arriving we were told to register and get our hands stamped and pick up our voting cards.
The booths to vote in, were all set up on the floor and we took a seat in the section that got to vote near the 1st!!
Advantage of being early! lol
Actually that didn't matter, ..... we knew we were in for a long evening but it was fun and exciting to be there so we settled in and waited! We ran into Dad Norton so he came and sat with us.

Tony, me and Deedra showing off our stamped hand!! YEAH, I'm the one with all the old spots and freckles!! Eweeeee!

Bob and Joyce were helping register folks on the side we went to but we didn't notice them until after we were done. We did go and say ho and get a picture though! lol

We then went and took our seats and pretty soon, Stillman showed up, called us and came to sit with us so we naturally had to get a picture!!

But Dad was hiding behind Deedra so we took another and told him to stick his face out there!

YEAH!! ..................... That's more like it!!

We went to see where Mom was and she was busy working getting people registered.
She was on the side with the table for Romney so we got some literature and some stickers etc!
I already had my ROMNEY PIN and I wore it proudly!!

We saw lots of people we knew coming in so I took pictures! My friend Shelly Hughes (pointing at us) and Arlene Law and Carrie Jorgensen and her mother.

Then I saw Jorgette Bostrom and Reed and Ester Lyons and Sister Holt (my old visiting teacher) She just had several surgeries and yet she was still there showing her support!

Tony had gone to ask for a Romney sign and they were out but more were on the way so when they showed up, Lamont Bostrom came and gave us one!
Me and Deedra showed it off!!

It's nearing 7PM and we've been here since 4:30 but the place is buzzing with excitement and the voters are starting to fill up the stands!!

Tammy and Chris show up and called us to see where we are. They come and sit with us so now we have a row full of Norton's! lol

It's 7PM .... VOTING TIME!! They tell us what sections are to go 1st ..... The people start streaming down from the grandstands and the party begins!!

This part was suppose to take approximately 30 minutes (according to the paper) but it was a 1st time for Idaho and it took 2 hours ! That included all the people voting and the votes being counted!

We entertained ourselves by taking silly pictures (ABOVE) and walking around ......
Behind the scenes where the containers with the coins are brought and weighed!

Oh and here is another silly picture!! Katie is putting ROMNEY where her mouth is! lol

Finally the 1st vote is in and counted! Newt is eliminated. The other candidates come in this order: Romney 1st, Santorum 2nd and Paul 3rd ........
Romney had to win by more than 50 % of the vote SO we had to vote a 2nd round!
Here we go again ..................

I had to go to the bathroom and get a drink so Tony, Deedra and I took another walk after voting the 2nd time. We walked around the back again and this time we were able to actually see the men weighing the last of the 2nd vote ................

AND THE WINNER IS ..........................

Thank you Idaho!! Thank you very much!!

What a great experience this was! We were happy to be able to participate and show our patriotism for this

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