Sunday, March 18, 2012


Sunday evening, we got together with some of the family to celebrate most of the March Birthdays.
It was exciting to have Jill and the two little ones join us! She surprised everyone because I didn't tell them that she was coming!

Scotlyn was happy to pose for me when she came in the house! She's such a cutie!

Lynn's birthday was Friday. We weren't able to get together with her so I gave her a Violet on Sunday.
The little girls had fun eating together at the kitchen table while a lot of the adults ate in the dining room.

After having a little dinner, the adults came into the kitchen and each birthday person was given a cupcake with a candle in it and we sang
"Happy Birthday" to them.
Lynn, Tammy, Katelyn and Alex were the recipients of the song.
Nephi was not feeling well and Blake wasn't there either.

Then Katie opened her gift from us. Some Disney Robin Hood plush toys.

Jack enjoyed the cupcakes from Alex's party! Alex was born on St. Patty's day so he got green cupcakes this year!! Yummy!

And Jack has the GREEN MUSTACHE
to prove it! lol

It must have been some tasty icing because Hawkins slurped it all off before eating the cake!!

We gave Alex a couple of "WHERE'S WALDO" books and
EVERYONE enjoyed them!! Stillman said he used to always check them out from the Library when he was a young kid.

Hawkins and Jill had fun trying to find Waldo .................

And Stillman handed the book over to Michele when his eyes went buggy from straining to find the pesky little guy!! lol

Meanwhile, Chris played dolls with Katelynn! He's a good dad!!

Several of us gathered at the dining room table to play
"APPLE'S TO APPLE'S" while the kids ran around and played! It was so much fun to have Jill and the 2 little one's join in the fun with us! Sure miss having them around!

9:00 rolled around and we all decided it was time to go home and get ready for a new week!

Jill getting the shoes on the kiddies .......................

And Art making sure we all got the point ..........

Ha ha ha .............. Art was moving his gun that was in a corner in the dining room and said he didn't want any of the kids to touch it! I asked him to pose with it and we all made jokes about him booting us out etc!! It was funny!

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