Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We have discovered that we enjoy a lot of the same books, movies and TV programs that Jeff and Cynthia do so we have been going out with them about once a month. We had planned on going to see THE HUNGER GAMES this coming Friday but Cynthia emailed me yesterday and asked if we could go last night because she is having a couple of ingrown toe nails taken out this weekend and won't be up to walking for a bit.

I wanted to see THE HUNGER GAMES because I enjoyed the books so much. Cynthia hadn't read them yet but was in agreement after they read the reviews etc.

We met at the Galaxy Theater in Meridian after work. The movie was 2 1/2 hours long and it was done really well!! We loved it! Cynthia is now going to borrow my books and read them before the next movie come out.

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