She said I'd given one for Jill when Jill was staying with me ...(I'm getting OLD cuz I don't remember it) ....but I decided that since we were both without husbands for Valentines Day ....
SO ..... last night after I got off work, I picked out a movie
( A "CHIC FLICK") then went and bought a couple of Subway sandwiches, some chips and pop and went to her house.
Both Garrett and Jack have been sick with colds but they had been at my house on Thursday night for a bit so I figured I was immune! Lol (how dumb is that?)
Poor poor little fella!
After we ate, Deedra and I were going to use the big TV and Garrett didn't want to watch our "CHICK FLICK" so he settled for the computer, headphones and "Toy Story" ......
Deedra and I watched "ELIZABETHTOWN". (Interesting but ultimately a dis-appointment) We both got calls from our significant others so that made our "Valentine Pity Party" a little less pitiful!
Isn't that cute??
Nikki was content to watch "Spy Kids" in her bedroom.
I discovered I wasn't as immune as I thought because I woke up this morning with a splitting headache and runny nose and cough. After helping to clean the church at 8AM this morning, I went back to Deedra's to watch the kids while she went grocery shopping.
She bought me a bottle of saline solution so I came home and have been doctoring myself all afternoon. Had a good nap and am now awaiting a "Skype" from my hubby!
Hope I get over this before Tony comes home. I don't want to send him back to Iraq with a cold!!
Well I'm glad you were able to spend it with Deedra. Sorry the kids are still feeling under the weather. Sorry you got it too!!! When does Tony come?
That's fun. Is that movie the one with Kirsten Dunst and Orlando Bloom? Welcome to the "cold club!" I swear, colds are just annoying. Glad you're getting to talk to Tony lots :0) Love you, and happy Valentine's Day!
I don't think your are getting old, cuz I don't remember a pity party for me either. Or was it a different Jill. I remember you and Tony going out. Oh well. Glad you guys had each other for company, but sorry you got sick. Okay, you and I need to try and Skype, cuz when I skype with Claire I can't see them, but they can see me. I'll be calling ya! Happy Valentines day! Love Ya!
SOunds like fun! Jeremy and I rented Elizabeth town on our honeymoon from the hotel. It wasn't a great movie, I agree, but it isn't horrible either.
Well, I don't think you guys technically called it a "pity party". I just remember coming over one night to borrow movies or something and you guys were having dinner with Traci and Jason and fam, can't remember if anyone else. But you just kind of lightly told me it was a pity party for Jill since she was feeling like she needed a pick me up get together or something. It was about a month after Scott had left. Then you told me you'd have to be throwing me one in about a month because Curtis had just left recently. But that's what I remember :)
Cute! Hope you feel better soon - garlic supplements for immune support, eucalyptus oil (which you can get in the health food stuff section at Fred Meyer) for the congestion... and lots of water! (Eucalyptus is my fave... just take the lid off & inhale the beauty! ;) )
FWIW, we had the most wrong-going, grouchy, stressful "Valentine's Day" ever, LOL... so glad it's over! ;)
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